This comprehensive resource guide to working with modeling chocolate includes 30 free tutorials and 10 free instructional videos.

Modeling Chocolate Basics
Introduction to Modeling Chocolate
Modeling Chocolate Recipes
How to Roll Modeling Chocolate
Modeling Chocolate Patterns
Chocolate Optical Illusion Cake Tutorial
Lace Garter Belt Cake Wrap Tutorial
Leopard Print Modeling Chocolate Cake Wrap Tutorial
Marbled Modeling Chocolate Patterns
Modeling Chocolate Cake Stripes Tutorial
Blue Ombre Bling Cake Tutorial
3D Cakes Decorated with Modeling Chocolate
3D Piano Cake Tutorial
3D Ancient Monuments Cake Tutorial
3D Pig Cake Tutorial
3D Koi Fish Cake Tutorial
3D Owl Cake Tutorial
3D Hamburger Cake Tutorial
3D Motorbike Cake Tutorial
3D Car Cake Tutorial
3D Ferry Boat Cake Tutorial
3D Booby Cake Tutorial
3D Skull Cake Tutorial
3D Fish Face Cake Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Decorations
Folded Kanzashi Flowers Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Seashells Tutorial
Chocolate Fairy Flower Cake Tutorial
How to Paint Modeling Chocolate
Baby Zoo Animal Cupcakes
Easy Modeling Chocolate Roses Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Figurines Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Flower Blossoms Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Bow & Ribbon Tutorial
Modeling Chocolate Flags
Mini Modeling Chocolate Skulls

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How to give shine on modelling chocolate figures.
pearl dust
Hi, I bought your book sometime back and finally tried your modeling chocolate recipe. Thank you! You mentioned mixing 50% fondant and 50% modeling chocolate to cover the cake? May I know how you store the decorated cake before the event? Do you wrap it with plastic and put in the fridge, or leave it out? How long should we decorate the cake before the actual event?
Yes, I treat cakes covered in modeling chocolate or fondant or a 50/50 combination of the two all the same in terms of covering them both in plastic wrap and storing them in the fridge until it’s time to transport them to the actual event. It depends on the types/colors of decorations but a good rule of thumb is to wait to decorate the cake until the day before or morning before the event.
Hi. I have a question about Karo light corn syrup (which I’ve been using to make modeling chocolate). Recently I’ve seen two versions of Karo light. One has the orange red label that says light corn syrup. The other has a blue label that also says light corn syrup, but it also says 33% fewer calories than the original. The list of ingredients are not the same but both say “lite corn syrup”. The orange-red also contains vanilla. Which one of these products should we be using to make modeling chocolate? My last batches have been made with the orange-red. Not sure which version I used before that.
I would use the regular orange-red kind. The lite version probably works too but I’ve never used it myself.
I have a question about the Fiesta Wedding Cake on the front of your book “Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate“. Is that cake covered with buttercream or fondant or chocolate? I have had a request to make that cake but I feel it would be better covered with fondant and gumpaste flowers as I live in Las Vegas, NV and it is very hot in August. Transporting this cake would not be good it it was covered in modeling chocolate and the flowers in modeling chocolate also.
The event took place in a patio room that was open to the outside on one wall. It was probably 75 degrees F that day. That cake was frosted with vanilla buttercream. The piped dots were also made of buttercream. The edible carnations, made of modeling chocolate, went onto the cake at the last minute – at the wedding venue. I transported the flowers, sealed in plastic wrap, in a cooler with an ice pack. There is an article with some more information about this cake here.
There are endless ways to riff on this design. You can see what over 50 others have done with it here, including examples that used a fondant finish and gumpaste flowers.
Hi Kristen,
I really love working with modeling chocolate and your recipe never fails. I’ve tried moving on to somewhat lifelike figurines made out of MC, but the MC seems too soft for that. It’s pleasant to work with, but as soon as I put the figurine down or push up a skewer, the shape gets terribly distorted. Someone told me to use less corn syrup. Someone else said to add tylose or CMC. What would you suggest to have firmer MC to work with? Looking forward to your reply.
Figurines are tricky no matter what the medium. Modeling chocolate is truly the best for making figures because you have so much extra time to sculpt and mold. I don’t use tylose or CMC but I’m sure you can find answers by searching the internet.
I designed a method for making figurines so that you don’t have to hold them in your hand while you’re sculpting them. That is the key. The explanation with pictures is towards the end of Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate.
Hi there Kristen! My name is Rita and you offered me much advice on my latest cake project. I also ordered your book to help me create the cake with modeling chocolate. I am excited to start your course on smooth buttercream, as you told me I could create the Jack Daniels bottle with just buttercream. Here are some pictures of my cake – thank you for all your help!
and here is another
and one more
Rita, that came out looking amazing! You succeeded in making the bottle look incredibly realistic! The wood pattern on the box is extremely well done too. Thank you so much for sharing photos and kudos to you on a job well done! – Kristen (smiling ear to ear)
Wow Kristen!!! Thanks so much for your kind praises! Coming from you it means so much!! I look forward to starting your class in smooth buttercream – I signed up but haven’t had the time to begin! You are an inspiration! By the way – I used your tip on icing layers in the cake pan – it worked like a charm and it allowed me to cut the into the right shape so easily and since it was so even the “crate pieces” we’re easy to apply. Thanks again for all the wonderful guidance!
Oh I almost forgot – VODKA was a life saver! NO I DIDN’T DRINK IT – though I was tempted! It is what gave the bottle the look of glass – I painted my modeling chocolate wth miss green food coloring combined with vodka and then applied a bit more to any dry looking areas. My modeling chicolate was already a lighter green from the chocolate melts that I used.
Thanks for sharing this tip, Rita 🙂
Is condensation an issue when removing cakes from the refrigerator? Is there anything that can be done about condensation? Thanks!
Rita – yes. You can seal the surface of the cake with plastic wrap while it’s in the fridge and that will prevent the condensation from forming. When it’s time to display the cake, remove the plastic.
Thanks so much for your quick reply! I will do it!!!
Hi Kristen,
Since you are my modeling chocolate guru, I just wanted to share “Revealing Hearts”, my first cake that is completely decorated in modeling chocolate. It was so much fun to do … and all thanks to you! Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a very good New Year.
Happy holidays! Now you can check that off your list of skills. Great job and and thanks for sharing a photo of your revealing hearts cake!
Thanks Kristen, I guess there is a time for everything and winter will be my time for chocolate! Can’t wait! There are so many things that I want to try. Thanks again for the advice and for the quick reply.
Hi.You have probably covered this somewhere, but there is such a vast amount of information on your site (not complaining!!!) that I’m a bit lost. I would really like to start working with modeling chocolate. I have worked a bit with crusting buttercream, ganache and fondant but haven’t as yet found my nitch. The problem is mostly the heat where I live. Room temperature for me is often around 80 degrees Starting Oct-Nov room temps start going down and get to about 60 in winter. The bottom line question is whether modeling chocolate made with real chocolate can be worked at these temps and whether a finished project set out of the fridge wouldn’t droop within less than an hour. I totally rely on your judgement and am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Francine,
I explore this topic more in my book. The ideal working environment for modeling chocolate is a clean, cool 65 degree F room. For warmer climates, air conditioning is imperative for success. If you don’t have an AC but the nights are cool where you live, then only work with it at night after the sun sets and the temp has dropped.
You can still display a cake that is decorated with modeling chocolate as you would any other cake but if it’s a warm day, parts that stick out from the cake (like wings of a butterfly) may droop so for those types of things, I would recommend using gumpaste instead. As modeling chocolate is mostly made of chocolate, it also doesn’t tolerate sun. For the best results, refrigerate your cakes until they are cool to the core before putting them on display as that will help the modeling chocolate remain cool as well.
– Kristen