I made this booby cake decorated with
smooth buttercream and
modeling chocolate for a fundraising event in honor my friend, Laura, who is winning a fight against breast cancer. Go, Laura! It was a huge cake – each boob was the size of a basketball. The flavor was butter cake with strawberry cream cheese filling. Here’s how to do it.

Baking the Breast Cake
1. Bake off the rounded tops of the breasts in
8” stainless steel hemisphere pans (read my tutorial on
how to bake cakes in hemisphere pans).

Bake the wider base of the breasts in standard 8” cylinder cake pans.
2. Slice the cakes and layer them alternating with filling inside two
bowls from a 5 quart KitchenAid mixer (or two identical bowls of any kind)
. Follow this link to read my tutorial on how to build layer cakes in the pan.

The results should be two perfectly spherical and identical orbs.
3. Carve the bottom of the cakes for more pronounced roundness. Keep the cakes covered in plastic wrap so that they stay fresh.
Frosting the Breast Cake
4. Apply a crumb coat of buttercream with a
small offset spatula. I used
vanilla buttercream mixed with cocoa powder for a light skin tone. Refrigerate the cake.
5. Added a finish coat of

6. Smooth the buttercream frosting until the surface is round and even. I use a combination of a small offset spatula and gloved hand to frost rounded cakes.

I use these recipes
Smooth Buttercream Cake Frosting Recipe

Here is a video clip example of how I use a gloved hand to frost a rounded cake (different cake).

Decorating the Breast Cake
7. Roll out and cut strips of pink ombre
modeling chocolate.

8. Cut, texture, and add them to the cake using the same method as was applied to the bottom tier of this white ruffle cake.

Step-by-step instructions on how I decorated the bottom tier of that cake are in the following book
Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate

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Could sum1 plz give me a list of ingredients & how much of each ingredient 2 make this cake it would greatly b appreciated
you first need to know how many people you are catering for then you go from there you can even use packet cake mix from the super market if you use say 4 it should give you about 30 people just make the cakes using 3 packets for each cake then when they are nice and cool put you bread knife flat against the cake then slice and keep repletion until you have used it all up then just do what they say to do if you run into trouble drop me a line and I will help you out as much as I can michael
I have looked through several of your posts and absolutely love your work. I am curious about where and for how much you would be willing to send a cake you have made, as a custom job. In particular, I have an uncle that loves, well, booty. We all call him uncle booty even though he no longer messes around and is married. As a fun idea, is like to surprise him for his birthday with a booty cake. It isn’t going to be this year as it just passed but I am looking to have all of the contacts and any needs I may have to get it done and done well. If you would be interested, please shoot me an email at the address I include with this comment. If other contact methods are needed, I guess then post a reply to this and I will respond when I get an email letting me know it was as such.
Thanks for your time.
-Joshua W.
I love you ideas thank you
Wow I love your work keep it up I did mine and I got it so very simple and unique.keep it up boss
Hi, how do I frind the recipe for your cake filler. Thanks
Right here: Cake Filling Recipes
Hi, I am currently at university and we are making a poster for breast cancer ‘ be breast aware’. I absolutely love the picture of this cake and I am wondering with your permission if we could use it on our poster? its unusual and think it will look great….. if you could let me know it would be much appreciated. many thanks
Yes absolutely that is fine. All I ask is that you send me some photos afterwards so that I can see what you did with it! I will email you a high resolution version for printing.
Where can I get the hemisphere pan with the handles?
Those are two 5-quart bowls from this type of KitchenAid mixer <
What kind of glove are you using to smooth out the frosting, cotton or medical/ surgical type ?
I use the latex food safe type of glove for this sort of thing.
Lena where can i get butter cream
You can find my buttercream frosting recipes with video instructions in this course >> Smooth Buttercream Cake Frosting. The recipes are also at the end of my modeling chocolate book: http://www.wickedgoodies.net/cake-decorating-with-modeling-chocolate/
Hi Lorraine,
In the UK, you can buy direct from Gazelle (http://www.gazellebookservices.co.uk/GazelleBooks/sresult.pgm?search1=9780988645400&searchtype=advanced)
or you can order it from the Book Depository (http://www.bookdepository.com/Cake-Decorating-with-Modeling-Chocolate-Kristen-Coniaris/9780988645400)
Where do I get youre book from lorraine from bristol
There’s all kinds of links for you to chose from here: http://www.wickedgoodies.net/cake-decorating-with-modeling-chocolate/
where can i find the modeling chocolate (ombre)?
You can buy it or you can make it. Here are my instructions on how to make it from scratch. http://www.wickedgoodies.net/2013/01/how-to-make-modeling-chocolate/ Ombre refers to a gradation of colors, so you just have to tint it with food coloring it to achieve that effect.
I learn a lot from all of your tutorial, thank you very much 🙂
Thanks! I just checked out your website. Your work is amazing, Lena!