Modeling Chocolate Recipe

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

In case you missed it, follow this link to read my Introduction to Modeling Chocolate.

VIDEO: How to Make Modeling Chocolate

Modeling Chocolate Recipes

White Modeling Chocolate RecipeRecipe for White Modeling Chocolate

Milk Modeling Chocolate Recipe Recipe for Milk Modeling Chocolate

Semisweet Modeling Chocolate Recipe Recipe for Semisweet Modeling Chocolate

Bittersweet Modeling Chocolate Recipe Recipe for Bittersweet Modeling Chocolate

*The volume of chocolate differs depending on the shape of the chunks/morsels used. Weighing the chocolate for this formula is highly recommended for the most accurate and consistent results.

 NOTE: Every brand of chocolate is different in quality (% of fat content, % of cocoa content), which affects the amount of sugar syrup required to achieve a good, workable batch of modeling chocolate. The amount of sugar syrup in the formula may require adjustment.

As a general rule:
– If modeling chocolate is too hard, dry, or crumbly, knead in more sugar syrup.
– If modeling chocolate is too soft, knead in corn starch and/or melted chocolate (and plan to use less sugar syrup next time).

Step-by-Step Instructions

Quick Microwave Method

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

Items Needed

  • Microwave
  • Chocolate + sugar syrup (scroll to top of page for formulas)
  • 1 medium-size glass or ceramic bowl, clean and dry
  • 1 small microwave safe bowl for heating the sugar syrup
  • Firm spatula (make at home by trimming the excess rubber off the edges of an ordinary spatula with a pair of scissors) or alternatively, a stainless steel spoon
  • Plastic wrap
  • Zipper-close freezer bag

How to Make Modeling Chocolate by Wicked Goodies

1. Chop the chocolate, if necessary, and pour it into a clean, dry glass bowl.

2. Microwave the chocolate, uncovered, for 20–30 seconds on high (microwave times may vary). Remove the bowl from the microwave and mix the chocolate with a firm spatula or a spoon.

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

3. Repeat for another 15–20 seconds, stirring immediately afterwards. Continue with short bursts in the microwave followed by stirring until all the chocolate has melted and no hard bits remain. It is critical that the chocolate not be overheated at this point or it may seize (harden), or worse, scorch. If the bottom of the bowl grows too hot to touch, the chocolate is in danger of overheating. If that is the case, stir well to redistribute the heat.

4. In a separate bowl, microwave the sugar syrup for 30 seconds or until warm. It must not be hot or it may burn the chocolate.

5. Pour the warm syrup over the chocolate and FOLD it in with the firm spatula until just blended. Make sure no streaks of chocolate remain. It should all be combined with the sugar syrup. The chocolate will quickly stiffen. Here is white:

How to Make Modeling Chocolate by Wicked Goodies

And here is dark, which at this stage tends to be looser than white modeling chocolate:

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

6. Pour the mixture onto a sheet of plastic wrap. Flatten it into a patty and seal it well. Rest it on a sheet pan or cool tabletop at room temperature for 1–3 hours or until it begins to resemble a soft Tootsie Roll in consistency. If the environment is warm, it may take up to 24 hours for a batch to set to a workable consistency. A fast set can be achieved by placing the wrapped chocolate in the refrigerator for half an hour, but a slow set at a cool room temperature yields the most stable product.

7. Once it is semi-firm, knead the modeling chocolate with the palm of the hand for 10–20 seconds or until smooth. Those with hot hands may opt to work the chocolate with a bench scraper instead.

How to Make Modeling Chocolate by Wicked Goodies

8. Transfer the finished modeling chocolate to a heavy-duty, well-sealed bag for storage. Store it in a cool place out of sunlight. For long-term storage, keep sealed bags of modeling chocolate in an airtight container away from heat. Modeling chocolate can last for up to a year if stored properly.

Modeling Chocolate Basics

Stovetop Method

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

Items Needed

  • Chocolate + sugar syrup (scroll to top of page for formulas)
  • Medium-size glass or stainless steel bowl, clean and dry
  • Medium-size saucepan filled with water 1-inch (25mm) deep for use as double boiler
  • Firm spatula or alternatively, a stainless steel spoon
  • Plastic wrap
  • Zipper-close freezer bag

1. Chop the chocolate, if necessary, and pour it into a clean, dry glass bowl.

2. Set the bowl atop the saucepan to complete a double boiler. Do not allow the water to come in contact with the bottom of the bowl. Set the heat to low/simmer.

3. Melt the chocolate slowly over gentle steam induced heat, stirring frequently with the firm spatula. Do not allow the chocolate to overheat or it may burn. Do not allow steam to escape near the chocolate as the moisture may cause the chocolate to seize.

4. Continue to stir until no lumps remain.

5. Remove the bowl from the double boiler and set it down on a dry kitchen towel.

6. Proceed to step #4 of the Quick Microwave Method but heat the sugar syrup in a small saucepan instead.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Oily Modeling Chocolate Issues

The most common problem that occurs when making modeling chocolate is that it “breaks.” Fat separates from the mixture and migrates to the surface, making it oily. Once that fat hardens, it results in a grainy batch of modeling chocolate. This is not what you want.

Modeling Chocolate Recipe The Top 3 Causes of Oily Modeling Chocolate

1. The Chocolate Was Overheated

Some chocolate types, particularly white and milk varieties, are fragile. When overheated, chocolate seizes (gets tough and clumpy) and won’t cooperate with the addition of sugar syrup, which eventually leads to a broken emulsion, which leads to an oily batch.

Modeling Chocolate Recipe
Solution: Chopping or grinding up white chocolate in a food processor before melting it helps speed up the melting time, thereby reducing the amount of heat that’s needed, thereby reducing the chance that the chocolate will get overheated and break.

An effective way to melt chocolate without overheating it is to only melt half of it over very low heat. Just before it’s fully melted, remove it from the heat and add the other half off the chocolate, stirring periodically (still off the heat). It will take a few minutes longer but this helps the chocolate maintain its molecular structure (temper) so that it’s less likely to break.

2. The Sugar Syrup Was the Wrong Temperature

If it’s too hot or too cold, the chocolate may react by separating. The sugar syrup should be warm.

3. The Modeling Chocolate Got Over-Mixed.

When combining chocolate and sugar syrup, stir gently with a spatula as if you were folding egg whites into chocolate mousse. This also applies when sculpting figurines or decorations, as overworking modeling chocolate with the hands can also induce the effects of #1 an #3, with the heat coming from the body and the over-mixing happening as a result of too much kneading or handling.

Modeling chocolate is finicky like hollandaise sauce…sometimes it breaks even when you execute all the steps correctly. Also like hollandaise, rest assured that even a broken batch of modeling chocolate can be saved.

Waxy Rind Modeling Chocolate

Failed Modeling Chocolate

When the oil from a separated batch of modeling chocolate hardens without being reincorporated into the batch, it hardens into a waxy white rind. It’s easier to spot the waxy coating against a dark color of modeling chocolate like the blue batch above. On white or light-colored batches, it is harder to notice. To the touch, it feels like a soft crust.

Do not knead modeling chocolate if has a fat rind on it. Kneading will mix the crust into the batch, creating a grainy texture that is not optimal.

Solution: When this crusty fat layer has grown hard, the best approach is to microwave the batch in its plastic wrap on both sides for 5 seconds each or just long enough to soften the shell. Alternatively, unwrap the batch and place it on a sheet pan in a warm oven for 30 seconds or more.

Next, pinch all around the outside of the chocolate to be sure the rind has softened; it should give way with no resistance. Knead the batch against a tabletop with the palms of the hands until smooth and no longer oily. Avoid overheating or overworking the chocolate at this stage, which may cause it to separate again.

Grainy Modeling Chocolate

Grainy modeling chocolate is caused by one of two things:

  1. Part or all of a separated fat rind was kneaded into the batch (see the Waxy Rind problem above).

Solution: If the crusty fat layer from an oily batch of modeling chocolate accidentally gets kneaded into the chocolate, it will result in a batch that is contaminated by little white bits. When this happens, heat the modeling chocolate in its plastic wrap in the microwave for 5–10 seconds on either side or until it’s soft throughout. Then work it thoroughly on a tabletop with a bench scraper, pulling small amounts under the blade and dragging them against the surface of the table to mince the hard bits into a pulp.

Additionally or alternatively, pass the entire batch through a pasta roller or sheeter on the narrowest setting. Doing this several times will pulverize the majority of the bits. Afterwards, allow the modeling chocolate to cool and rest for at least one hour. The batch may never be completely smooth again but it should be useable enough for most purposes.

  1. Inadequate stirring – If the melted chocolate wasn’t combined thoroughly enough with the sugar syrup, some of it may harden back up, creating hard bits of chocolate within the modeling chocolate.

Solution: In a glass bowl, gently warm the entire batch of modeling chocolate in a microwave over a double boiler until it’s soft and all the lumps are melted. Stir only as needed. Do not over-stir. Proceed as per a new batch of modeling chocolate.

Modeling Chocolate That is Too Hard

If a batch is freshly set, it may be difficult to work with at first. Dark modeling chocolate can be especially firm in the beginning. Break off and knead small chunks by hand until they are malleable. 99% of the time, this solves the problem.

If the environment is under 60°F (15°C), modeling chocolate may become brittle and more difficult to work with. Knead it by hand vigorously until it comes to a more workable temperature and consistency. Alternatively, microwave it in its plastic wrap on high for three-second bursts, turning it over between bursts, or unwrap it and place it on a sheet pan in a warm oven to heat for 10 seconds or until soft. Then knead it until the heat is evenly distributed. Be careful not to overheat it.

Modeling Chocolate That is Too Dry and Crumbly

If not enough sugar syrup is present in proportion to the chocolate, the result will be a dry, crumbly consistency. If this is the case, knead in more syrup one teaspoon at a time. If it is too difficult to knead, gently soften the chocolate in the microwave or over a double boiler before adding the additional sugar syrup.

If modeling chocolate is improperly stored, for instance, if it is left out unwrapped for more than a few hours or if it is stored for days/weeks/months in plastic wrap or a non-airtight vessel, it will dry out. To rehydrate it, knead in more sugar syrup, 1⁄2 teaspoon at a time, until the desired consistency returns.

Modeling Chocolate That is Too Soft and Sticky

If the modeling chocolate has just been handled, it may be too soft to work with. Between stages of handling, it must be allowed to cool and reset. Patience is key when working with modeling chocolate.

If the work environment is too hot and/or humid, technical difficulties may occur. A cool 60–65°F (15–18°C) environment is vital. If possible, install an air conditioner near the work station. Be sure to properly vent the unit’s exhaust. Alternatively, keep two to three metal sheet pans in the freezer and rotate them in and out of the cold as needed to create a chilled work surface. Be sure to always insert parchment paper between chocolate and pan to prevent condensation from wetting the chocolate. Alternatively, keep an ice-cold freezer pack close by to cool hands and fingers.

If too much sugar syrup is present in proportion to chocolate, a batch will be overly soft. To correct an overly soft batch, knead in one to two tablespoons of melted chocolate.

If some other form of invert sugar was used in place of corn syrup or glucose, such as honey, molasses, agave, treacle, or simple syrup, the result will be a sticky mass that must be discarded.

If a significant amount of food coloring is added to a batch of modeling chocolate, it may soften the overall texture.


Modeling Chocolate Recipe

How to Color Modeling Chocolate

Modeling chocolate may be tinted any color. Water or gel-based food colorings are both suitable; there is no need to invest in more expensive candy coloring. Powdered colorings may be used, but should be saturated with a small amount of water first. I prefer to use chefmaster liquigel colors (I buy the 10.5 oz bottles).

Kneading in Color

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

Color may be kneaded by hand into finished modeling chocolate. This method is useful when only a small amount of any particular color is needed.

1. Wearing rubber gloves to protect the skin from the dye, deposit a drop or more of food coloring onto a chunk of white modeling chocolate.

2. Add equal amounts of cornstarch as food coloring to help offset the added moisture and prevent stickiness.

3. Knead the food coloring and cornstarch into the modeling chocolate until thoroughly blended.

4. Add more color as needed until the desired hue is achieved. If a color ends up too dark in tone, add more white modeling chocolate to lighten the tone.

Note: The mechanical action of kneading warms and softens modeling chocolate to the extent that it will require rest before it can be handled again. Therefore when kneading in color, plan to do so at least one hour in advance of rolling/modeling.

Stirring in Color

Modeling Chocolate Basics

The easiest way to color modeling chocolate is to do so in the production phase by adding liquid food coloring along with the sugar syrup. No additional work is required with this method since the color blends in automatically during the stirring stage.

How much coloring is required to achieve a particular hue depends largely on the strength of the dye. If color is added in high concentration (more than ¼ teaspoon of liquid color added per 16 oz [454 g] batch of modeling chocolate), the excess liquid may cause a batch to go soft. Dark red modeling chocolate, for example, requires so much food coloring that the sugar syrup should be reduced by a teaspoon or more to offset the added moisture.

Items Needed

  • White modeling chocolate
  • 2 rubber gloves
  • Liquid food coloring
  • Cornstarch (U.K. cornflour)

1. Wearing rubber gloves to protect the skin from the dye, deposit a drop or more of food coloring onto a chunk of white modeling chocolate.

2. Add equal amounts of cornstarch as food coloring to help offset the added moisture and prevent stickiness.

3. Knead the food coloring and cornstarch into the modeling chocolate until thoroughly blended.

4. Add more color as needed until the desired hue is achieved. If a color ends up too dark in tone, add more white modeling chocolate to lighten the tone.

Note: The mechanical action of kneading warms and softens modeling chocolate to the extent that it will require rest before it can be handled again. Therefore when kneading in color, plan to do so at least one hour in advance of rolling/modeling.

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

Whitening Modeling Chocolate

The yellow tone of good quality white modeling chocolate can be so far from true white that achieving certain colors may pose a challenge; for instance, violet and light blue are impossible to attain in concert with yellow.Liquid titanium dioxide, a natural white food coloring, may be added to whiten the base tone of modeling chocolate. For one batch of modeling chocolate, add ½ teaspoon of liquid titanium dioxide to the sugar syrup or ¼ teaspoon of powdered titanium dioxide dissolved in ½ teaspoon warm water. Alternatively, use a white chocolate that includes titanium dioxide in its ingredients.

Blackening Modeling Chocolate

The color black is easiest to achieve by adding black food coloring to bittersweet modeling chocolate. Since bittersweet is quite dark to begin with, the least amount of coloring is required. Be sure to wear gloves when mixing black.

Bleeding Modeling Chocolate

When a finished cake is exposed to temperature extremes, condensation may form on the surface, causing dark colors to bleed or streak. Tiers that have been decorated in modeling chocolate should be sealed in plastic wrap to prevent sweat from beading on the surface. A cake that is exposed to drastic temperature changes (going from fridge to room temperature, or worse, from freezer to room temperature) will develop condensation on its surface, which is not optimal. For more on the topic of temperature control, I recommend the following article: How to Freeze and Thaw Cakes.


Modeling Chocolate Basics

In general, 3D modeling chocolate decorations should be added to a cake at the last possible minute – dark-colored decorations in particular. As with fondant, the least amount of time a dark decoration comes in direct contact with the moist surface of a cake or a moist refrigerator climate, the better. Bows, flowers, and toppers are best transported to an event on parchment paper-lined sheet pans (of it’s a hot day, in a cooler), then added to the cake upon assembly.

For additional security, brush the back sides of dark modeling chocolate decorations with melted cocoa butter. Allow the cocoa butter a minute or two to harden and seal before applying the decoration to the cake. The cocoa butter will serve as a buffer between opposing colors, minimizing streaking and bleeding.

This is a sample from the book
Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate

Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate

Modeling Chocolate Recipe

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Modeling Chocolate Recipe — 388 Comments

  1. Hi Kristen,

    My room temperature at home is 30-31 Celcius. I just made a chocolate modelling rose (100gr white compound chocolate coins + 25gr corn syrup + 25gr glucose). Everything was fine because I was working in an air conditioned room (25-26 Celsius), and the result was very satisfactory. The petals were holding up quite well though they were not super hard, more like firm but still a bit soft when touched. And the rose was lovely and delicate.

    After taking photographs, I put my Rose in an air tight container with silica gel and all, and turned off the air conditioner because I was going out. 2 hours later I came back and checked out on my Rose. Most of the petals drooped off.

    So definitely the heat is the reason. The fact is I can’t afford to turn the air conditioner on all day. Anything I can do to fix this? Thanks..

  2. Hey there! Love your book and have site and have been using your book for 8 months now, love it!!

    Question. Vegan modeling chocolate. Have you tried it? Any tips? Same ratio? I’d love any advice!!

    • I’ve never tried making it with vegan chocolate before so the best I can do is speculate. It’s reasonable to assume the dark chocolate works the same since it typically contains little to no dairy, making the difference between vegan/non-vegan dark chocolate nominal. White chocolate is a different story because one of the primary ingredients is milk solids. I imagine you’ve already researched this question online and could not find the answer. In that case, let this be an opportunity for you to experiment and let us know the answer! Every future vegan who stops by wondering the same thing will thank you for it 🙂

      • So, I tried it. Two different times. First time, I think I let the vegan white chocolate get a little hot. The mixture was soft and never quite hardened up right. So much so, that once I put it on the rice krispies, it sorta of melted down off it. *gah* (in the picture, the bus was the 1st attempt)

        Second time, I made sure I was not pulled away during the process and kept a close eye on temp. I kept both the “chocolate” and syrup at about 92-95 degrees. Made sure to not overmix, just like I would regular modeling chocolate.

        Once it set, it was similar to work with as typical chocolate, however, I ended up with the cocoa butter chunks in it – as if I had let it get too hot and/or just didn’t get the right temp mixture.

        The one tutorial I was able to find had you sopping up leftover cocoa butter while you mixed it in. Frankly, in my little experience, if you’re soaking up cocoa butter, you’ve melted your chocolate all wrong anyway.. I have not yet tried that route.

        The chunks were frustrating but otherwise the vegan chocolate was similar to work with. A little corn starch and dye and it was easy to color. Plus it was easy to mold into the animals (see picture, Little blue and the duck & pig)

        Hope that helps. So, it works in a pinch. I might try vegan marshmallow fondant next time.

        • Hey nice job on your figurines. Cute touch putting cookie crumbs in the dump truck. Also, thanks for coming back to tell us about your experience.

          It’s worth mentioning that the issues you faced with melting the chocolate and then getting chunks of cocoa butter in the modeling chocolate are general problems that are not related to vegan chocolate. I address the chunks issue (how to prevent it + how to fix it) in my book. All-natural white chocolate is more prone to that result. As for the melting issue, it sounds like you did well solving it. Good thinking. Chocolate – especially white – is so temperamental.

          Here is my trick for melting chocolate in a double boiler so you don’t have to stand over it watching: Bring the water to the point where it starts to hiss (just before simmer) then turn off the heat and place the bowl on the boiler with 2/3rds of the chocolate inside. Let that melt slowly, mixing occasionally. When it’s almost done melting, remove the bowl from the double boiler quickly so as not to allow steam to come in contact with the chocolate. Add the final 1/3 of the chocolate then let it sit on the counter melting from residual heat. Stir again a few minutes later.

          Keep at it! For your first + second shot at modeling chocolate, your results were quite impressive. Pretty sure I threw my first three batches at the wall.

  3. I just wanted to say thank you! I used your milk chocolate formula, and the stove top method. I’ve never made fondant or moldable chocolate before and have always had a hard time even melting chocolate properly. But the first time I made a perfect batch smooth and easy to work with firm enough to make 3d objects. You are my absolute hero!

  4. Hi…i am new in modelling chocolate. I live in gulf.i cant find lite corn syrup here anywhere. Plz tell me alternate for lite corn syrup to use in chocolate modelling.

  5. I was wondering how modeling chocolate stands up when it comes into contact with frosting; either buttercream or a whipped icing. I know within a short time fondant starts to melt and dissolve into a mess but was wondering if modeling chocolate would have the same reaction? If not how long can it reasonably be expected to remain stable while touching frosting?

    • You are mistaken when you say that as a general rule, fondant melts or dissolves into a mess when it comes in contact with buttercream or whipped icing. That is simply not true. Most popular frostings work well in combination with both fondant and modeling chocolate. Some examples are ganache, all-butter American buttercream, shortening-based American buttercream, Italian buttercream, Swiss buttercream, and apricot preserves. Of the commonly used cake frostings, the only one that is not compatible with fondant and modeling chocolate is whipped cream because its moisture content is so high. In the case of whipped cream, you would experience the kind of poor results you describe.

      There is a kind of fusion that occurs between the suggested frostings and the fondant/modeling chocolate when they are used in combination but it doesn’t cause the finish to “melt.” If you have experienced this problem firsthand using any of the acceptable frostings that I listed, then it was probably due to do some aspect of the execution or temperature control.

  6. Thank you for sharing how to make modeling chocolate. Is there a formula for using unsweetened chocolate?

    • I don’t have one, probably because it’s rare to see unsweetened chocolate in the U.S. except for this thing called “Baker’s Chocolate” which is basically cocoa mass, but it’s not very yummy. I bet you could start with the formula for dark chocolate and ratchet up the corn syrup by a teaspoon.

  7. Hello! I made this to cover a tiered cake… Should I ice the cakes first and if so, how much icing should I use?

    Also, I always seem to have issues icing cakes in the first place.. The cake breaks down it some spots… Any advice on how to avoid this?

    • Yes – definitely ice the cake first. Treat it as you would if you were covering a cake with fondant by adding a smooth underlayer that’s not to thick.

      I’m not sure what you mean by the cake breaking down in some spots. Do you chill your cakes? That helps hold them together. All my frosting tips are in this book: Smooth Buttercream Cake Frosting. Freezing also helps at the construction stage so you might also find this free tutorial useful: How to Freeze Cakes

  8. I’m a little confused about coloring the chocolate. It says “The easiest way to color modeling chocolate is to do so in the production phase by adding liquid food coloring along with the sugar syrup. No additional work is required with this method since the color blends in automatically during the stirring and kneading stages.” but than it talking about the cornstarch and kneading. So am I kneading it as if it were cooled or do I need to add cornstarch and knead the finished product?
    Thank you

    • Good question. I see how that sounds confusing. I will change the wording of it based on your observation. To clarify, when you stir in the color, it might not fully incorporate as you can only stir modeling chocolate so many times before you have to stop. Later, you will fully incorporate any streaks of color as you knead it, which is required anyway in order to bring it to a pliable working consistency. So this method is basically a two part phase of first mixing and then kneading before you have a solid, consistent color.

      Alternatively, when you knead the color into a finished batch of modeling chocolate then it all happens at once. Solid modeling chocolate can be rather stubborn and resistant to the introduction of liquid and the corn starch helps offset that problem.

  9. Hi guys! I really need some help with my modelling chocolate. I just cant figure out what im doing wrong. The only thing i could think about as a problem is the consistency on my country’s glucose syrup (we dont have corn syrup here). So im melting my chocolate, warming up the syrup, and then mix it together. After 3 stirs, the mix is already in the right consistency, but i still see big white strikes, like they didnt mix well together…okay, i leave it to set, when i come back to it, it has lots of fibers in it…and its thumb breaking to knead. And then, i start kneading it, it either breaks to little peaces, or starts to get the oils out a bit…like half of my badge goes chocholate powder, half is okayish mixed with gumpaste and fondant…so what the heck????

    • I don’t think it’s the glucose. That wouldn’t cause this type of problem. First, make sure you are being gentle with the stirring. Combine the chocolate and syrup as you would fold egg whites into a batter. It’s important that both substances be fully combined or else the parts of chocolate that weren’t touched will harden up and create solid bits in the modeling chocolate. When it comes to handling it, it’s going to be hard and crumbly at first. Such is the nature of chocolate (imagine how a thick chocolate bar would also be a challenge to break). Kneading is always required to soften modeling chocolate. If it starts to get super oily in your hands then you are touching it too much. Working with modeling chocolate is a matter of striking a balance between touching it enough to make it pliable but not so much that the fat begins to melt.

      • Ty for the anwser, sorry for replying so late. A since tried it again, dark chocolate turned out to be awesome. thre white chocolate i still have problems with. now, when i start working with it, its okay, then during work it starts the same oiling out. Guess im too rude to it again here, but its hard, cause dark chocolate is awesome, white is always problematic. That balance is hard to find. 😀 guess bc white is the oilier one right?

        • Glad to hear you’re having success with the dark modeling chocolate! I agree it’s easier to work with. White modeling chocolate is definitely more tempermental. If it’s getting oily while you work with that, that means it’s being overworked. The solution is to give it more time between the stages of handling. Kind of like how if you hold a candy bar in your hands, it will melt but if you keep putting it down and not touching it as much, it won’t melt. You can also blast cool air conditioning to offset the heat of your hands. Then you work much faster without having to put it down as much.

  10. Hi would a homemade light corn syrup substitute work in place of the corn syrup? I found this recipe online, do you think it would work? :

    Light Corn Syrup Substitute


    2 cups granulated sugar
    3/4 cup Water
    1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
    dash of salt


    Combine all ingredients in a heavy, large pan (stainless). Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and put cover on it for 3 minutes to get sugar crystals off the sides of the pan. Uncover and cook until it reaches soft ball stage, 238 -240 degrees F.
    Cool syrup and store in a covered container at room temperature. It will keep for about 2 months.
    Makes almost 2 cups.

    • I have not tried this, so I can’t say no from personal experience. However I can tell you that in all my research on modeling chocolate, consistently across the board, the consensus is that no type of homemade corn syrup acts as a substitute for the commercial kind. The commercial kind of corn syrup works best with finicky confections like chocolate because it goes through a gamut of chemical processes that alters the sugar on a molecular level. Only a chemist with special equipment would be able to recreate these steps at home.

      The thing that cannot be achieved with this kind of recipe is a resistance to crystallization. The cream of tartar is there to help minimize crystal formation but it wouldn’t prevent it from occurring entirely. So even if the chocolate accepted this form of invert sugar, the resulting modeling chocolate would have a very short shelf life before it would start to get grainy. Another thing that would be tough to get right here is the soft ball temperature, especially with such a small batch. Even with experience cooking sugar, this window would be hard to hit at this volume.

      I suppose it’s possible that if you cooked it perfectly, cooled the sugar, used it right away, then used up all the modeling chocolate with no delay, it could work out, but I am thinking more on the wishful end here and I am only saying maybe because I haven’t ruled out this possibility myself.

      Even when working with commercial corn syrup, modeling chocolate can go south. Your best bet is to start with the tried and true ingredients before venturing into the realm of substitutes. I am not a big fan of corn syrup myself and all that it stands for, so if there was a natural solution, I would be all over it. If you do decide to experiment, please come back and let us know how it goes! This is the best place to crowd source new ideas on the topic and we welcome your contributions.

  11. Hi Kristen, got ur book loved reading it plz help me with few questions can I cover a cake of whipped cream using modelling chocolate.

  12. Okay. I have looked everywhere it feels like and I can’t find the answer to the question I have. I need to make roses for my mother’s wedding cake and I don’t want to use gum paste because, in general, I don’t like working with it. I wouldn’t use fondant for something like this, and my preferred medium has always been modeling chocolate. However, the location of her wedding might be a little bit warm and I’m worried that the roses might melt. I read somewhere a long time ago someone saying that you can add tylose powder to “candy clay” to make it harden similar to gum paste. You seem like you might have some decent knowledge on the subject and so I’m turning to you. Your modeling chocolate recipe is almost exactly the way that I have been making mine for years and I would assume you have more knowledge on how to do these things properly than I do. So, is it okay to add tylose powder, and if so, how much would I add to ensure that the roses don’t just droop on the cake?

    • Tylose powder simply accelerates hardening. Fondant can, in time, become hard as stone I’m no expert myself, but I would suggest you watch Ann Reardon’s video on making her spongebob cake, since she uses and talks about tylose powder in it.

      • Tylose powder is not in fact meant for use in modeling chocolate. The melty or tricky component in modeling chocolate is the cocoa butter or fat and tylose powder does not modify fat. Some decorators squeeze out the oil by hand before the modeling chocolate has a chance to harden. Others use a 50:50 ratio of modeling chocolate:gumpaste or modeling chocolate:fondant for added hardening capacity.

        For a hot wedding, I recommend doing the safest thing that you are confident will work in hot conditions. The guests will never know the difference as roses like that don’t get served. The more important goal is that the decorations hold up. For other events where hot conditions are not a factor, you can use pure modeling chocolate to make roses.

        As for Ann Reardon’s video mentioned in the above comment, that example uses fondant, where tylose + fondant = gumpaste.

  13. Hi. I just purchased your book and I love it! One thing not covered in the coloring section is airbrushing. Can air brushing be used on modeling chocolate? And can you give me any advise in achieving the color of a wine bottle? My cake will be a Chardonnay wine bottle and I don’t know whether to go with the golden color of Chardonnay or the green color of the wine bottle and how to achieve either color with food coloring and/or airbrush. Thanks so much!!

    • Hi Rita,
      Great question – thanks for asking it. I will have to add that to the ebook version the next time I do an update.

      Since modeling chocolate has a high fat content, it has a slick surface that resists color being brushed or sprayed onto it. Colors that are applied in that way tend to bead on the surface a little bit, but it is still possible to paint or spray color onto modeling chocolate. The best way to help the color stick is to first brush the modeling chocolate with corn starch (in the U.K. this is called cornflour) as that will help give the moisture something to cling to.

      We talked in a separate email about my JD bottle cake and as a point of reference, I hand painted the words onto the label using titanium dioxide (white food coloring) but had to go over each letter 2-3 times as the color dried to smooth out the beading liquid.

      As for choosing your colors, I would recommend going with the lightest possible color for the bottle itself. Below is an example of a Chardonnay wine bottle cake that I frosted with buttercream and decorated with a hand painted modeling chocolate label & cap. You can click on the photo to view it in a higher resolution. As you can see, I tried to color the bottle a little with gold luster dust to give it a glassy kind of reflection or “sheen” and it just made the cake look dirty. So I would recommend a plain yellow to represent the color of the wine. In my opinion, that will result in the cleanest, most appetizing look for your cake. Good luck, Rita! I hope you share some pics of your final result once it’s done.

      • Thanks so much Kristen! I have been practicing all day with different methods – buttercream in yellow, and moss green, modeling chocolate in a pale gold and I also made modeling chocolate out of green candy melts and added moss green – I know it’s not the best chocolate but it actually worked well. I haven’t decided which way to go yet but I do know that my icing never turns out as smooth and beautiful as yours! And I also know that it is a good thing that my husband is a dentist and I am a dental hygienist because I have consumed enough trial icings and cakes to give me lots of cavities! I’m actually sick of sweets!!!! But I am having fun and I will keep practicing. One finally question – how long can a crumb coated cake stay in the freezer if well wrapped?

        • Rita,
          Good thing your sweet tooth is cared for by a dentist! I’m glad you are having fun with your baking experiments! This kind of trial and error that you are doing is exactly the right way to learn. You should find the answer to your question in this article about how to freeze cakes.

          • Thanks so much! We just cut into a cake that I froze using the method in your book (sorry – I should have read that chapter before asking the question) my husband and son declared it the best cake they ever had! I hope the real cake I am baking for the wine bottle in a crate turns out as good as the trial one! Thanks for all the advice. The party is on Friday so I will post pictures then. Wish me luck!

      • corn starch is made from the starch that comes from the corn. Cornflour comes from the whole grain of the corn it is the same thing as corn meal only ground finer.i dont mean to be rude but they are not the same thing so i wonder which one you mean?as i live in uk i can only find corn flour and will have to buy online for corn starch?i am wanting to air brush a rainbow over the chocolate so i dont need to hand mix all the colours into the chocolate please help 🙁

        • It depends on which version of English you are speaking. Here is how it translates:

          U.K. cornflour = U.S. cornstarch
          U.S. cornflour = U.K. cornmeal

          I appreciate your comment and will make sure to specify that when I say cornflour, I mean that in U.K. terms.

      • Hi, just a bit of info to add to the airbrushing conundrum. Dinkydoodles have a non water based range of edible airbrushing colours that are excellent for use on chocolate, you can even use them on ready made tempered stuff as long as you give the chocolate a rub (fingers, paper towel etc) to remove the shine first.

  14. Hi. I am thinking of buying your book too. I tried your modeling chocolate recipes (not exactly as I used golden syrup) over the weekend. It was my wife’s birthday and I wanted to create something special. I’m not sure if you would know how those recipes work with golden syrup (I live in Ireland, no corn syrup here) but I think I didn’t get it exactly right. I used dark chocolate 70% and although it was easy to play with and shape it gets hard too quickly. I mean rolling it out for a cake covering was easy but covering the cake was a pain as it was getting hard really quickly. Should I add more syrup to it? It gets hard very quickly even after cooling it down it was hard in under an hour in room temperature already wrapped in foil. Quick heating in a microwave helps and working it out lets me use it again. But thin strips dor bows for example once soft when cut get hard in no time, under a minut which makes it difficult to work with. I used double the syrup British recipe asked for…
    Then I made a batch of white modeling chocolate. I used real chocolate again but a cheaper brand. Little syrup, a lot less this time and it was rather crumbly. I added more but not much changed. It seems fine when worked but doesn’t seem.plastic enough to roll or play with. It is dry and crumbly. Doesn’t stick well. More syrup again?

  15. Hello I want to try to make decorations with modelling chocolate .
    Can I use the candy melts from Wilton brand?

  16. Hello, i have made the modeling chocolate according to the recipe and watched your tutorial prior to doing so.
    At first my modeling chocolate took on the same good characteristics as mentioned however after resting it and then attempting to knead it all the oil is seeping out from the clay and it has taken on a rubbery texture.
    So my questions are, Have i over heated the ingredients prior to incorporation? And can it be fixed?

      • Amanda,
        Yes, overheating the chocolate can certainly cause this to happen. Overheating is common, especially when making this type of small batch item. Over-mixing can also cause it. Mixing or kneading any more than is necessary agitates modeling chocolate. If you knead the modeling chocolate ~1 hour after making it, then do it again ~2 hours after making it, you can help recover the emulsion.

  17. Hi
    My modelling chocolate starts out hard but after kneading it becomes too soft to model 3D toppers. Should I use less glucose? Once kneaded (and colour gel added) it never goes hard again. Thanks

    • Yes it sounds like you might need to use a little bit less glucose in the recipe. Since added food coloring has the potential to offset the consistency of modeling chocolate, next time, try adding equal parts corn starch (a.k.a corn flour) with the food coloring to counteract the additional moisture. You can also knead some melted chocolate into your soft batch to help reset the proportions. Keep in mind however that modeling chocolate rarely sets up as hard as it does when it’s first made. They key to battling the softness is to handle it swiftly and sporadically, allowing periods of rest between each stage of modeling.

  18. Hi,
    Could you please advise me, I’m new to modelling chocolate have only made it a couple of times. When using glucose would I need to add water? I made it but it usually crumbles.

    • Dana,
      You do not need to add water with glucose. If your modeling chocolate is crumbly, first knead it to see how it reacts with the working and heat of your hand. Sometimes “crumbly” is mistaken for the dry state in which modeling chocolate starts out, before the initial kneading stage. If it is still dry and crumbly after kneading, then try gently working in some more glucose with your hands. Don’t knead too much however as that can over-work the modeling chocolate.

      If the added syrup fixes the dryness issue, then go ahead and add an extra teaspoon or two of glucose to your recipe for the next time. Oftentimes, it takes a slight tweaking of the formula to hit the exact right balance of syrup to chocolate. Sometimes it’s just a matter of how you measure it. Once you find the balance you are looking for, stick with that same brand of chocolate and same method of measuring. Good luck!

  19. Modeling chocolate was recommended for making some palm trees for a gingerbread display. Will it hold up & be strong enough to last the month it is on display and not soften?

    • I would not use modeling chocolate for a long term display of a palm tree decoration, especially since the leaves will be thin and that will make the modeling chocolate even more delicate and prone to drooping when exposed to heat. Gumpaste would be the better choice.

  20. I am sorry to bombard you with all these questions, I just have a passion for cake decorating (not a professional) and you are much help. Is wax paper/butter cream transfer suitable with modeling chocolate or edible print out paper? If so, do you have a buttercream/frosting recipe you can reefer me to?

    • Perhaps the closest technique to buttercream pattern transfer would be the pattern inlay with modeling chocolate…it’s sort of similar to that image transfer technique in that you build a 2D image by pressing shapes or pieces of modeling chocolate into another slab of modeling chocolate. You can do anything that way. I even did a cake of a person’s face that way once.

      As for buttercream frosting, see the back of my book for the recipes to chocolate and vanilla buttercream. I’ve never used them to do a transfer technique but they are great for frosting, decorating, and filling.

  21. I am going to be trying modeling chocolate for the first time for my sons first birthday, I have played and worked with foundant before and was wondering if it is anything like foundant.. Texture and taste wise. Also I was wondering f you can use powdered sugar in place of cornstarch, for taste purposes, if not please let me know thank you!

    • I would not recommend dusting modeling chocolate with powdered sugar in place of corn starch (although technically you can) because the sugar is sticky. The only aspect of it that would help is that powdered sugar already has a little bit of corn starch starch in it. Don’t worry about using corn starch though as it’s not a detectable flavor.

      Homemade modeling chocolate definitely tastes better than commercial fondant and has a much more appealing mouth feel because it melts on your tongue. Its flavor depends entirely on the quality of chocolate that’s used. Check out my introduction to modeling chocolate. You will find a more in depth comparison of modeling chocolate versus fondant there.

      • Thank you so much, That helped me a lot! Are all products available to purchase from your local grocery store or should be purchased threw a local wholesaler?

        • If you have a small baking business, I would highly recommend purchasing ingredients in bulk from a wholesaler. If you are only experimenting with a few batches of modeling chocolate, there’s no need to buy in bulk and you ought to be able to find everything you need at a supermarket. If you are outside of the US, you might have trouble finding corn syrup though so if that is case, look for glucose syrup or golden syrup instead.

          • Thank you! I was reading your Chocolate Buying Guide and I had tried calling my local Whole Foods Market to see if they carry Sherffern Berger’s Bittersweet but unfortunately they do not. I don’t know if that brand is something that is carried in the US or not, or if I should just opt for the Ghirardelli’s Bittersweet.? If my local Whole Food does not carry the Callebaut Bloc, which is another brand that is reccomended for white modeling chocolate?

            • Hmm…Whole Foods usually has a very good selection of chocolate. You can usually buy chunks of Callebaut or Valrhona there that are priced by the pound…I have seen this in numerous stores. The next time you are there, ask where they keep the per-pound chunks of chocolate or choose something from the many decent options that are in the chocolate bar isle there. Ghirardelli’s Bittersweet is always a great option too and makes an excellent batch of dark modeling chocolate. For your first few tries, you’re probably better off going with a mid-range chocolate anyway, until you get the hang of things.

  22. Hi! I’m using modeling chocolate for the first time to cover a cake and I was wondering if I made one batch of the white modeling chocolate, how much surface area on a cake will it cover?

    • That depends on how thinly you roll it out. I roll it quite thin using a pasta machine so as a rule for cake covering, I make one batch of modeling chocolate per 10″ round, 4″ high cake. If you roll it thick like fondant, one batch might only be enough to cover an 8″ cake. Whatever the case may be, I would recommend making an extra batch so you can be sure you won’t run out. If keeps for so long that you can save the extra for your next project.

    • Any type of cake will suffer from exposure to heat, especially ones that are transported and displayed outside on a hot day. If you have a cool, air-conditioned vehicle and a cool inside place for displaying the cake, you can certainly still get away with using modeling chocolate. When it comes to something as delicate as ombre ruffles on a cake, I would also make sure not to let the hot sun shine on the cake for too long when you’re carrying it from place to place, since ruffles are so thin that they can go droopy under the sun.

    • “Sugar syrup” is just a blanket term for a number of things you can use to make modeling chocolate: corn syrup, glucose syrup, or golden syrup. You cannot manufacture these kinds of syrups at home however.

  23. Question – I covered a cake in modeling choc, then refrigerated it over night (due to heat). When I took it out the next day, it started to condensate and get sticky. Is there anything I can do about that, or is my cake ruined?

    • You can blot that moisture off with a dry paper towel. Next time, when dealing with a cake that’s covered with modeling chocolate or fondant, I recommend sealing its surface with plastic wrap right away. That will cause the condensation to form on the plastic instead of on the surface of the cake. If you wait to peel off the plastic until it’s time to decorate the cake or put it on display, it ought to stay much drier. I typically leave plastic wrap on the cake right up until the point when I’m at the event, setting up the cake.

  24. I was wondering if you cant paint modeling chocolate with food coloring or something similar? I want to make it for the first time and I want flat decorations that resemble fondant but they have multiple colors(all of the pups from the paw patrol show) and im thinking it would be too hard to tint all the chocolate for that

    • Yes you can paint it but it’s not as easy to paint on modeling chocolate as it is to paint on fondant because modeling chocolate contains a substantial amount of fat, so it’s a bit slick on the surface. It can be done, though. For instance, I painted the modeling chocolate label on this Jack Daniels cake with titanium dioxide white food coloring.

      • I am so glad I found your page and fully intend to purchase your book, however I want to try using modeling chocolate for a cake I have due soon for figures and I also thought it would be easier to paint the colors on instead of making all of the colors required, any how, you said it was not as easy as painting on fondant
        (which is pretty easy) lol is the process the same, with mixing gel color with alcohol?or should I use liquid color only with no mixing? thank you so much for your sharing of knowledge, I know a lot of people appreciate it.

      • I was wondering if, instead if painting on a label, can I use an edible image? I am making a wine bottle cake and had a custom label made. I planned on using it on the cake that is covered in the modeling chocolate. Now I have become concerned that this edible image will not stick to the chocolate!!! I’m in a panic now! Please advise! Can I use buttercream in the label to make it stick to the modeling chocolate? I’m a nervous wreck now!!?? I wish I had found your website sooner!

        • Yes – you can use an edible image. In my experience, it helps to add the image to chocolate or modeling chocolate to give it a dry backing before placing it on the cake. You can help it stick to the backing with a very light coating of brushed melted chocolate. I also recommend adding it to the cake at the last possible minute as condensation from sitting in the fridge can cause edible images to bleed.

          • Hi Kristen – I just got this answer so I wanted to share with you what I did before I got it. I sprayed my wine bottle (which was covered in modeling chocolate mixed with a little fondant) with a light mist of vodka and then placed the label on it. It worked like a charm! No bleeding! I was concerned because the bottle was green but I did a test with an extra label and extra chocolate (had lots of scraps around) No bleeding. The company that I purchased the label from said that i might want to put the label on some thin white fondant first and then apply it to the bottle. But since the trial label didn’t bleed I went ahead and just applied the real label to the bottle and no problem! I sent you pictures on another post – hope you got them.

  25. You have the MOST comprehensive information by far, out of any website I’ve come across! I’ve been searching so many websites for CHOCOLATE modeling chocolate, the recipe, the recipe again when all they use is weight, method, problem solving, types of chocolate, what to watch for…all in one place. I love it and I haven’t even started my project yet!

  26. I mistakenly left my semi-sweet and white modeling chocolate in the fridge and didnt realize till after finding your website I was suppose to put it in the fridge till it cooled, knead it and then store it in my pantry. So it is rock hard right now. What can I do to salvage my modeling chocolate?

      • I do not suggest putting modeling chocolate in the fridge! That is, unless you are having a heat wave. Yes, technically, you can put it in the fridge but then you have to wait for it to come back to room temperature before you can use it again.

        If the batch came out okay, then don’t worry about not heating the corn syrup.

        • no i did not mean that your site said that. I just meant that I did it and then i saw on your site that i should not have

          • Gotcha. We are on the page then. You have to wait for it to come back to room temperature. If you try to work with it when it’s cold like that, it often gets slimy. The heat of your hands versus the coldness of the chocolate don’t work well together. If you are really in a hurry, you can try microwaving it on very low power.

          • ok. Thank you for the heads up. One last question. I am planning on making a cowgirl figurine. Should I use some type of wire to use to form the body or just form the figure from a chunk of the chocolate?

            • You only need to use wire if the figuring is standing up with its arms outstretched. If it is sitting down or standing with its arms down to the sides, you only need a lollipop stick up the center. You can form the head right around the lollypop’s sucker.

  27. Hi there,
    Just want to know if I need to keep it in the fridge if I do not use all of it at a time and how long will it last?

    • It will last for up to a year if you keep it well-sealed in a freezer bag within an airtight container. Make sure that container remains out of sunlight and away from heat. Do not put it in the freezer or fridge unless you are experiencing a heat wave.

  28. Hi,
    I’m new to the modelling chocolate world and I can’t wait to try it out. I have one question though which is probably a really easy one but I wanted to check… I have some bags of candy melts which are generally used for cake pops and so come in all sorts of colours, can these be used in the recipes? Just thought it would save trying to colour the chocolate separately.

  29. Love the recipes for the modelling chocolate, I live in Chile and its hard to get a good quality chocolate. I think they do one that has 70% cocoa. I was wondering if you can use normal cooking chocolate or do I need to go with the more very expensive chocolate. Thank you for any feedback

  30. I’m not good with working with fondant and every time I make modeling chocolate I can’t seem to know where to begin I’d love to make flowers butterflies and more toys characters etc but what would you suggest for an extreme beginning individual please I don’t want to do for a living just for kids birthdays Thanks Jackie

  31. I am hoping modeling chocolate is the answer to my problem. I am starting to make things for on my cakes from fondant. I’ve done well with flowers & toys, but I want to make more realistic faces & animals. I’ve practiced with air-dry clay and like the way you can add features or bulk and blend it in to make seamless joints. Can I do the same with chocolate clay? I’ve gotten really good with clay and would like to transfer that talent to an edible medium, but fondant/gumpaste just doesn’t work.

    • Yes I think you will find that modeling chocolate is much easier for sculpting figurines than fondant and much more like clay in that you can blend. The only caveat is that you can’t hold onto the figures while you’re sculpting them – They are too sensitive to the heat of the hands. So it helps to anchor them into something so they stand when you’re working. I use a piece of styrofoam. One great trick I learned recently is to use a lollipop and form the head around the candy then use the stick to support the body. Pretty neat idea.

      • What a great idea! I’m going to make some right now and start practicing. Eventually I hope I’ll be able to make masterpieces like yours. Thanks again. Lynn

  32. Hi, I am just getting into sculpting things for on my cakes. I have done well with flowers and toys out of fondants but realistic faces and animals don’t look right. I have practiced with air-dry clay and like the way you can blend the pieces together to make seamless joints, add features and bulk, etc. Can the same thing be done with modeling chocolate? I have been asked to make cats for one cake and a praying lady for another. Both need to look real, not toy-ish. Hoping chocolate clay is the answer. Thank you. PS You book is on my must have wish list. Will the e-book work on my kindle? Thanks again. Lynn

  33. I am an avid novelty cake maker and intend to use some modelling chocolate for some parts of a cake I am making this week. Would it be possible to have your recipe in metric quantities please? ie grams

  34. Hi I stay in scotland where we dont have corn syrup. We do have golden syrup which I dont no if it is similar. Just going to try which chocolate and add lilac to try and make roses. Thanks

  35. Hi there. I’ve just read your modeling choc recipes & it looks easy enough to make. I’m from South Africa & was wondering if you know where I can get hold of your book here.

  36. hi!
    i really love your wicked chocolate goodies!!
    can i ask something?
    what would be the benefit of making this to our environment??

    • Hello and thanks! The benefit of making this stuff from scratch as opposed to buying commercial fondant is that it’s greener to make your own cake decorating supplies. Plus then you can be assured of the quality of ingredients.

  37. Hi, I’d like to make chocolate panels to go around a cake. Approximately 5cm by 14cm. Will modeling chocolate make panels if I roll it out thinly? Does it set hard?

    Sorry I’m clueless with this, it will be my first time using modeling chocolate.

    Kind regards, Jodie

    • Modeling chocolate makes great panels. It never sets completely hard but it does get more firm over time. If they are going to be flat, you can make your panels up to a week in advance of an event. If it’s to be wrapped around a round cake, it’s better to make panels on the same day that they are used.

  38. Hi! I am new to modeling chocolate, and I was wondering how far in advance can I use it. I need to decorate a cake in mid December, but it´s a lot of work and I wanted to know if I could start now (November).

    • You can definitely make it now. It lasts for months – up to a year even, if you store it in freezer bags within an airtight container. Plastic wrap is not enough. It has to be in thick bags or it will eventually dry out.

      I should mention that when it’s old, it sets up and can be a little harder, but it softens with the heat of the hands and kneading. Good luck with your project. I would love to see what you come up with when you’re done if you’re willing to share!

  39. Pls I want to use a mould for my figurines,what should I apply on the mould before putting the modelling chocolate?crisco or corn flour?

  40. This is the second time I have made the white modeling chocolate (I’ve used the colored candy melts in lieu of chocolate chips and it worked very well). Both times it comes out crumbly and hard as a rock. I threw the first batch out – frustrated with it. I have little to no time to make more, I see you said to need more sugar syrup into it. I’m going to try that with this second batch and then if that does not work…one more batch then I quit. Thank you for all the instruction – I LOVE your page and all the interesting tips and tricks. You do the neatest things!

    • Oh whatever you do, don’t quit or throw it out. It’s often hard and crumbly at first…needs kneading and the warmth of your hands to make it workable. If even then it’s too hard, you can always melt it down gently and then add more sugar syrup.

  41. I love your website so much. I tried making moldeling chocolate but i failed. The chocolate molds but after placing it in the plastic wrap, it sticks into my palm while molding. What to do? Thanks a lot and continue inspiring others with your website info 🙂

    • Hi and thanks. Remember when working with modeling chocolate that it’s made of chocolate! So it will melt if you hold it in your palm. Don’t keep touching it unless you are moving or shaping it. Allow it to rest between the stages of molding. If you are working in a cool room, it will firm up within 10-20 minutes, then you can work with it again. When it comes to shaping an object, stagger your tasks so that you are working on certain elements while others are sitting untouched, growing more firm. Good luck.

  42. Hi

    Could you please email me your recipe and a substitute for light corn syrup if that is what you use as i can’t seem to find it anywhere here in Melbourne. Also how do i obtain a copy of your book and how much is it please.
    Kind Regards

  43. Thank you so much for all your wonderful tips and pointers you share with us, it means a lot to people like myself who need a little help every once in a while. I never knew you could do so much with chocolate, amazing skills you have…. 🙂

  44. I would really appreciate a copy of the modeling chocolate recipes. I also would love to buy your book… I made a few times white moddeling chocolate and it was never a succes, the 1ste time it was much to oily, the 2nd time it’s not oily at all but much to dry… every time it gives me a hard time but I don’t give up :), thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience.

    • Hi,
      I usually go with a dark chocolate instead of black color because dark chocolate looks enough like black but is much more appetizing. If you must have black, you can add a little black food coloring to dark modeling chocolate. Not much is required since it’s already quite dark to begin with. Make sure to wear rubber gloves when mixing in black color.

  45. I am so excited to find your website. What a great resource! I was looking for advice on modeling chocolate on cakecentral, and someone linked your site. Two questions though. I bought white chocolate chips, the grocery brand, and it seems like quality ingredients, cocoa butter is the second thing listed, and no hydrogenated oils or anything. Do you think they are hiding something? Or is this worth a try? Second, it would be so great in the formula if you listed how much corn syrup per ounce of chocolate. Many manufacturers keep changing the quantity of their packages, and sometimes we need to use what is on hand, or just make a little. I did the math, but it’s a random number, maybe it translates to cups and tablespoons/teaspoons? For 16 oz of the white chocolate, my math says a little less than 5 1/2oz. Hoping that is close.

    • There is no exact rule with the corn syrup, unfortunately. Every chocolate is different and may require plus or minus one or more teaspoons of syrup. Measuring the syrup is sticky and hard to do accurately so it’s better to stick with a formula that works instead of tinkering with the recipe every time. Modeling chocolate keeps for months so there is no harm in having extra around!

      If the ingredients list says ‘cocoa butter’ then you’re good to go! You can still use imitation chocolate though, it just won’t be quite as stable.

  46. Hi, I’m from South Africa and tried your modeling chocolate recipe with glucose (only substitude) Now it went all hard and crumbly on me. Please tell me if I can still manage to save it or should I try making a new batch with more glucose than what the recipe says? I urgently want to cover a birthday cake for this weekend and wanted to use chocolate instead of buttercream icing. My kids can not wait to taste the chocolate mommy made and they will love playing and modeling something by themselves with their own chocolate.

    • If it’s crumbly, you can try melting it down *very gently* and adding 1 tablespoon or more of warm glucose to the batch. Stir just enough to mostly incorporate the glucose. Proceed as per usual. That should help.

  47. I just bought your book on Amazon! I can’t wait to get it! I have been really wanting to try modeling chocolate, instead of fondant and I have studied your site for ages now, lol! Thank you so much for your great tutorials and I know I am going to LOVE the book! 🙂

  48. Love the book. Preordered it and now have it. Haven’t tried chocolate yet but when I do your book will be the one I use.


  50. I purchased your book and am looking soooooooooooooo forward to using chocolate instead of fondant. I’ve also shared on face book, so so excited………

  51. I just purchased your book today and I’m very anxious to receive it. I love the designs of the cakes that you have made and cannot wait to see what’s in the book. I am new to modeling chocolate decorating and I have tried it only once but I had great success with it. Thank you for all the advice and tips and I look forward to the book…

  52. I live near cape town in south africa and ordered your book through Amazon – just received it and cannot wait to start

  53. Well, time to start doing what I have long wanted to do… decorate cakes. With your book, I hope to be able to make some decent looking decorations!

  54. Just got your book in the mail today!!! So excited to learn more about modeling chocolate. Some of my cake decorator friends have said modeling chocolate has changed their lives:-) Can’t wait!!!!

  55. I just bought your book and I can’t wait to receive it. Winning those excellent cake pans or not, I win! I will finally be able to learn the secrets to making and working with modelling chocolate that have eluded me for a long time. I am looking forward to making some flowers that don’t look like a big pile of poo – lol Thank you so much for sharing your craft.

  56. I was “surfing the web” on day and came across your website and could not stop reading! I saw that you had a book that was going to be available, so I ordered it even before it was ready. I have enjoyed it very much! Thank you for the updates.

  57. I bought your book the day it came out. I waited anxiously and was not disappointed. Read it cover to cover. I have made several batches of modeling clay, some better than others! Love using it to decorate sugar cookies! Great book and a very easy read.

  58. I ordered your book on Saturday as soon as I saw your post on Facebook that it was back in stock on Amazon. I can’t wait for it to get here! I am so glad I found your website! Got my fingers crossed that I win the pans. It would be awesome!

  59. I own your book (bought it on Amazon), subscribe to your blog, and love your modeling chocolate…especially the milk chocolate one as I don’t care for dark chocolate. I’m working on some chocolate roses to see how it works out. Am very excited! Those pans would be fabulous to own. Hope I win!!

  60. I had your book on my Amazon wish list and my husband bought it for me as a birthday gift back in April (I think he must preordered it). I love it! I can’t wait to make a fish cake for a friend (based on your koi tutorial).

    • Yay! Would love to see your fish cake! Please share a photo when it’s done. Thanks to your husband for buying my book and I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Here is another tip on making that cake: how to cut a half sheet cake on a diagonal to achieve the fish body shape. You flip one and stack them on top of each other then carve away the squared edges.

  61. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of your book-hopefully today is the day! I do have a question. I ordered a box of Ghirardelli white chocolate chips based off of a website description that said it contained cocoa butter but upon receiving it, it doesn’t. Now I have 10lbs of chips. Do you think it will still make a quality product? Any tips for using this brand? Thank you!

    • Ooooh sorry to hear that. Ghirardelli and Guittard are both my preferred brands of supermarket chocolate. I try to avoid the imitation varieties but they are definitely very usable! Yes you can make use of all 10 pounds of that chocolate. Start with one batch of modeling chocolate. Cut back about a teaspoon on the sugar syrup and see how you like it. Depending on if it’s too hard or soft for your liking, adjust the amount of sugar syrup in your next recipe accordingly. If you are not getting a strong enough modeling chocolate, try mixing 1/2 imitation chocolate with 1/2 of a higher quality brand of genuine chocolate and you should be able to achieve formidable results.

  62. I received my book a couple a days ago and after pouring over all the gorgeous pictures…I LOVE this book! I have been so fed up with fondant and was wondering how much I could really do with modeling chocolate and here you are with this wonderful site and book! Kudos :O) I can’t wait to try some things out on my ds birthday cake (it’s in August, so I have plenty of time to practice)Thanks so much for such great advice ***applause***

  63. Just ordered the book! SOOOO excited! have been using this medium for a little while and am still amazed at all you can do!! Can’t wait to get the book!

  64. Just bought your book on Amazon, and I shared on Pinterest and Facebook. Your creations are so beautiful – you are an amazing artist! Have you ever worked with dairy-free chocolates? I started learning about cake decorating after my kids were diagnosed with allergies to dairy, eggs, soy protein, nuts, and coconut. I am generally able to adapt most recipes – I can make molded chocolates with the dairy-free chips and can bake with them – but I don’t know if they would work for modeling chocolate. Thanks!

    • Just read your article about chocolate. Could it be true that Scharffen Berger’s Bittersweet and Guittard Extra Dark chocolates are naturally dairy-free? My kids can eat chocolate (I can bake with Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa, for example), they are only allergic to the milk solids added to it. Looks like the labels for these products make them dairy-free?

      • Yes those two chocolates are dairy free but they contain lecithin so watch out since you mentioned that your kids are allergic to soy. I highly do NOT recommend Hershey’s brand chocolate, especially since your family is already suffering from allergies. Hershey’s is highly processed, especially the milk solids.

    • Hi Eileen! Thanks for buying my book. I work with dairy-free chocolate all the time, including with modeling chocolate because dark chocolate is naturally dairy-free. I have never tried any form of dairy-free milk or white chocolate however. What is the ingredient that is substituted? I don’t see why a dairy-free chocolate wouldn’t work with modeling chocolate. If your kids are allergic to soy then you also have to be careful about lecithin, which is often derived from soy and is almost always in commercially processed chocolate, including dark chocolate. If you want to avoid all additives, you can always buy nibs and make your own chocolate liquor. You can see how I’ve done that here: Good luck and I hope your kids outgrow some of those pesky allergies! – Kristen

  65. My loving wonderful sister bought me a copy of your book after I went on and on about your website showing her all the pictures. I can’t wait to get myself playing with modeling chocolate. Thank you for such and wonderful book.

  66. Just ordered your book. Looking forward to getting via 2 day shipping. LOVE the idea of combining cake and chocolate candy AND having a better tasting option to standard fondant. What are your thoughts on marshmallow fondant? Would you mind comparing & contrasting the differences in taste and working with pre-made fondant, marshmallow fondant and a chocolate fondant equivalent? Just a hobby baker, but looking forward to getting back into baking and especially combining mediums like cake, cookie, chocolate and such. For example, I am interested in making a cake shaped like a small garden pot, then coat the pot a Terra cotta chocolate “fondant” or other and then “plant” a flower cookie lollipop and add green “grass icing.” Now that I think about it, I could make a Fall version with Oreo cookies dirt with icing Autumn leaves or even big homemade fondant fall leaves on the ground with a with a small flower bush “growing” in the pot. I seem to really like bringing the gardening theme into my confections. ??? I do really love visiting national parks. I am open to “burger” cakes or other, but I naturally tend to earthen designs no matter the medium-cake, chocolate, cookie, etc. Also, I shared on my facebook page that I bought it from Amazon, along with the book, “(Almost) Too Cute To Eat.” LOVE how your book combines mediums too! 🙂

    • Hi there and thanks for the note! One of the reasons why I’ve gotten so attached to modeling chocolate is because it’s not very elastic, so when it’s rolled thin, it stays that way, which makes it ideal for fine modeling. Fondant, including marshmallow fondant, is elastic so it springs back when you roll it and shape it, which is why it has that chunky look to it, which I’m not crazy about. MMF is very popular however and I have seen some amazing things done with it. As for chocolate fondant, I have used chocolate fondant (Maybe Satin Ice brand? Can’t remember for sure which mark.) because it was a staple in one bakery where I worked. I remember it as being like a cross between modeling chocolate and fondant in performance, which made it quite versatile. I hope that answers your question. Your ideas are all great! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks for buying my book 🙂

  67. My book is in the mail and should be here on Monday! I am so excited. I am preparing for my ds birthday in August and I know I am going to get so many ideas! I can’t wait :O)

  68. Happy Birthday to me (tomorrow) and my book arrived today I bought myself as a present! It is absolutely treasure and wealth of knowledge. Can’t wait to try this technique. Thank you for sharing Kristen.

  69. Hi I just purchased your book and I really enjoy it. Acutually that is how I found this website. Please enter me in the chance to win your cake pan set.

    Thanks and I love your website and book.

  70. Just received your book today from Amazon & it looks amazing! I love the photos & techniques. I reviewed it on Amazon & also shared a link to your book on Facebook. I hope I win the 14-piece set of cake baking pans because I’ll need them to bake all the cakes I’m wanting to decorate!

  71. Had my and my sister’s copy pre-ordered! received both shortly after it debuted in May! We are huge fans of your work, and both are inspired by your creativity!!! Wishing you continued sweet success on the book <3

    (also reviewed in Amazon)

  72. Got my book from, love love love it! I’m already using your recipe for modeling chocolate and buttercream recipe and techniques! Amazing work and such an inspiration, can’t wait to try some of your other techniques, thank you so much for letting us share your joy! I could absolutely use those wonderful pans! :))

  73. Just ordered a copy of your book on Amazon! I’m so looking forward to receiving it. I’m hoping to use your techniques and tips on a dinosaur cake I’m doing in July. Wish me luck and I hope I’m picked for the cake pans!

    I’m posting on Facebook, Pintrest, and Twitter too so others can get your book and join your page!

  74. When covering a filled cake with modeling chocolate, can the cake be refrigerated after? Or will the negatively impact the chocolate? I want to use this in place of fondant.

    • Yes, a cake can be refrigerated after it is covered with modeling chocolate. The trick is to keep the cake sealed under plastic wrap if you do this in advance. That will help keep the surface dry (this trick also works great with fondant).

  75. Thanks for the advice I decided to do an r2d2 and a darth vader. the r2d2 came out great but the modeling chicolate for my darth vader is really sticky is there a way to fix it?? Please help!

    • Is it sticky all the time? Or just when you work with it? It will get sticky of it’s handled too much, because the heat of your fingers will melt the chocolate. Don’t hold it in your hands too much. Let it rest between the stages of handling.

  76. My copy of your book just arrived. I was so excited to receive it, I read through the entire book within an hour. Excellent book. Easy step by step directions and beautiful full color photos. I can’t wait to get started!

  77. Would you be so kind to send me your recipe for a good chocolate cake and also your carmel chocolate filling recipe shown in your book. I know it is just as tasty as it looks!

  78. I purchased this wonderful book and learned developed a whole new appreciation for chocolate. Thank you so very much

  79. Hi how can I get a copy of your modeling chocolate recipe? I absolutely love your work and will be ordering your book once I’m done with the comment… 🙂 I can’t wait to get it. One more question, what kind of white chocolate should I use to get the brightest color possible. I’m looking to get more vibrant colors.

    • Hi, if you use chocolate that contains titanium dioxide (natural white food coloring) or if you add liquid titanium dioxide, you will achieve brighter colors. The modeling chocolate recipe is right on this page if you just refresh the cookies in your browser, you will see it.

  80. I purchased the book as soon as it was released and I loved it. I have read it cover to cover and plan to use some of the techniques THIS WEEK!

  81. I just purchase your book through amazon, I just finished a dolphin cake and have to say it is really going to be hard to go back to fondant embellishments. Modeling chocolate is the only way to go. Thanks for sharing your great recipes.

  82. …just received your book, and I already love it…great techniques and a lot of great troubleshooting info with chocolate…thanks for sharing your knowledge

  83. Hi there Wicked Goodies! I just ordered your book from with 2-day free shipping. I don’t know if I can wait that long to delve in! Thanks for inspiring us with these wonderfully vivid colors. I’m planning to share this link and review your book when I receive it. 🙂

  84. Hello Wicked Goodies 😀 I have ordered my book from amazon and just got an email 2 days ago saying it had been sent , Payment may be under my husbands name Mick Lacey and we live in Australia and I can hardly wait to get my book I love your work .

  85. Already bought it, got it, love it! Question, if someone is allergic to chocolate, is white chocolate safe?

    • That depends. If it’s genuine white chocolate, it will have cocoa butter in it. That’s a cacoa product. Who knows if that’s what the person is allergic to it, but I would avoid it to be safe. Imitation white ‘chocolate’ (which I like to call, ‘mockolate’), does not have any genuine cacoa in it, so that should be safe. However I don’t recommend that type of over-processed and unnatural kind of food product, especially for someone who already has a food allergy. That’s a rotten allergy to have! I’m sorry for the person who has it! btw thank you for buying my book!

  86. hi i cant tell you how excited i am at just ordering your book i cannnnnnnooooootttt waaaaaitttt whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop x :]

  87. I just bought: ‘Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate’ by Kristen Coniaris

    I also shared on FB, and will review when I get the book next week 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway – I <3 Modeling Chocolate

  88. I purchased your book. I shared the contest on facebook. I will be reviewing the book on amazon once I get it but from the portions I could read on amazon I can’t wait to try modeling chocolate since I hate fondant:-)

  89. I am so excited to receive your book. Just ordered it at Amazon. Thank you for this exciting offer to win something totally unexpected. I hope it comes before Father’s Day so I can make something totally cool.

  90. I bought your book and posted a glowing review on! I love your tips and techniques! I want to try making the fish next for a client of mine. Can’t wait to try that one out on them. They will LOVE it!

  91. Pre-ordered the book and couldn’t wait to get it….great pictures and ideas.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the PIG! Had to make it as a inside joke as a groom’s cake.
    Thanks for sharing talent in the form as a book!

  92. I’ve ordered my book and can’t wait for it to arrive, I love the information you have already posted and looking forward to learning more. I also happily sent out emails to my cake decorating friends.

  93. Darn, Darn, Darn..went to order this book just now and Amazon is out of stock…Thats ok I ordered it anyways and I will get it when it is back in stock. I think I am going to enjoy this book when if finally gets here.

  94. My Sister and I ordered your book and have received it. It is great I really love the flowers I am going to try them.

  95. I enjoy your gingerbread work and had to buy your book. Love your use of color. Shared the link with everyone.

  96. Hi I brought your book an love it… cant wait to try everything. .. I loved your blog and couldn’t wait till the book came out…im so happy

  97. I love your book! I can’t wait to start trying your techniques. Everything is so clearly detailed, even my kids love looking through all the pictures. Thank you!

    • I’m sorry, I left my incorrect email. The one attached to this comment is correct. I also will review it on Amazon!

  98. I received your book a couple of weeks ago and I am so excited to try out the methods! I have some graduation cakes coming up that I’m hoping to use them on! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  99. Hey Kristen- what a fantastic book and fantastic giveaway. I reviewed the book on Amazon and shared on FB (I don’t “tweet” and I haven’t allowed myself to join Pinterest yet (I’d never get anything done if I did)

  100. I just ordered you book and I can’t wait to get it! I am new to cake decorating and have just discovered this medium and there is no stopping me now!!!! Can’t wait to learn more, and hopefully win the pans too!

  101. Well, I got my book from amazon, and let me tell you, Amazing. Iam so in love with it. I own more 200 cake books. And let say, never. Never found a complete book about modeling chocolate.

  102. I pre-ordered the book and waited anxiously or it to arrive and I was not disappointed. I’m glad to see that modeling chocolate can actually be used to cover a cake, because I’ve been told that it couldn’t. I feel inspired and can’t wait to use your techniques.

  103. I thought I left a comment but I don’t see it so this may be a duplicate. Bought the book and can’t wait to try out your methods. I’m verrry e X cited. Liked it on facebook and am now following you on pinterest. Can’t wait to receive the pans I’m going to win too….. LOL

  104. Love your book. Can not wait to try out some of your techniques! Love the way you do the inlays.

    Please enter me in your giveaway as well. Thanks!

  105. Hi! I just bought your book and its amazing! I would love to win the pans, it would be perfect for my small baking business! I also pinned your site on Pinterest so everyone else can have these tips!

  106. I love, love, love your site, and I just bought your book on Amazon! Considering I’m a home-based small bakery, winning that pan set would be AMAZING for me!! Either way, though, I know I’ll enjoy your book. And I’ve shared your book on my Facebook ( and also will be reviewing it once it comes in….gotta grab as many entries as I can! 🙂

  107. LOVE the book! Reviewed on Amazon (under James Hands), pinned on Pintrest and tweeted. Crossing fingers for a win!

  108. I just left a review on Amazon. Although I just bought the book, I’ve read through your modeling chocolate guide and can’t wait for the rest of the book!

  109. Just bought your book! So thankful I have Prime, now I only have to wait 2 days before I can start trying everything out! I love, love, love your site and the newsletters. Can’t wait to get the book! Thanks!!!

  110. Just bought your book! Had it in my cart and this just pushed me over the edge! ;0) I’ve been looking forward to it, can’t wait to get a good read!

  111. I have bought your book and can’t Wait to try your techniques. These pans would be a great addition to my baking supplies.

    Thanks for the inspiration

  112. I was not dissapointed when I recieved your book. I’m excited to cover cakes in chocolate, not fondant. I reviewed it on Amazon and will share on FB.
    Thanks for a great book!

  113. I pre-ordered your book. I am amazed by your creativity. The directions are very clear, straightforward and easy to follow. I’ve been playing for a couple weeks now…and love it!!

  114. I preordered your book months ago and received it a couple of weeks ago. Have made a couple of successful batches of white modeling chocolate. Yay!

  115. Just ordered your book and shared your page link. Looking forward to receiving the book and getting dirty!

  116. LOVE LOVE LOVE your book and your posts! It arrived last week and I have had such fun going through it.

  117. I’m assuming this is the right place to comment about your book, which is amazing! I haven’t started using modeling chocolate yet on any of my cakes, but I am so happy that I found this website and your book to get me started on the process! I bought your book last week on amazon, and it is a gorgeous book full of wonderful picture tutorials on everything I would need to know to get me started!

  118. I love how you make this seem so easy! Alas I always come out with a greasy mess that doesn’t hold it’s shape even though I have air conditioning.Its heartbreaking and I am about to give up on working with chocolate. What could I be doing wrong?

  119. Hi was looking into cake central and came across your site. I see that you have a great recipe for modeling chocolate. I need to make some figures and I also wanted to be able to keep them as a keep sake, Is this possible? Would you share your recipe and or give me some hints that would help me accomplish this madness lol thanks ahead of time. Justine

    • Justine, it’s here on this page now! Your browser must be showing you an old version of this page. Simply empty the cache on your browser and you should be able to see it. But if you want to keep the figurines, you are better off using 1/2 gumpaste or all gumpaste.

  120. Hello, Im just starting out in the major decorator department. I love how many things can be made with fondant but absolutely hate the taste (no surprise). What im gathering is that modeling chocolate is very similar to fondant but with better taste. What I would like to know is, is there anything that the chocolate cant do that fondant can and/or what is the difference between the two?
    Thanx for the advice,

    • Hi there,
      The main differences between the two are:
      – Modeling chocolate is better for making fine decorations such as flowers, fabric effects, leaves, and bows, because it can be rolled thinner than fondant.
      – Modeling chocolate is better for sculpting figurines because it dries slower and is more forgiving than fondant, allowing time for the decorator to create.
      – Modeling chocolate is better for inlaying patterns because it can fuse with itself.
      – Fondant, or a mixture of half fondant/half modeling chocolate is better for covering highly contoured cakes because fondant is more elastic than modeling chocolate, making it easier to conform to odd shapes.
      – Although inferior in taste, fondant is the easier of the two mediums when it comes to covering cakes.

  121. Hi,

    I just found you!!!
    I’m wondering if I could add color to the chocolate before adding the syrup.


    • No, I would not recommend adding food coloring to melted chocolate before adding the corn syrup as the liquid alone would cause the chocolate to seize. Always add the color with the corn syrup or knead it in by hand later.

  122. Hi,

    Actually I’m new to chocolate modeling.

    I’ve made my first trial today but i find the modeling chocolate get soft easily. As a result it can’t hold the shape. I suspect due to hot and humid environment. Furthermore I have a pair of hot hands. So do you have any recipe which can solve this problem and to make it more stable? Although i’ve air conditional home, i can’t avoid from the hot and humid climate during the delivery. That’s another headache.

    Btw, is there any difference in terms of texture by using couverture or compound chocolate?

    Can i use purely cornstarch instead of powdered sugar to avoid it to stick?


    • – The key is to let the modeling chocolate rest and cool between each stage of handling.
      – Yes, there is a marked difference between couverture and compound chocolate, because one is real and the other is fake.
      – Corn starch works much better than powdered sugar to avoid sticking.

  123. Hi
    I love what you have done. I have used modeling chocolate before but have not made it myself so if you could send me a copy that would be fabulous, also do you normal chocolate or is it cooking chocolate many thanks Jyane

  124. Hi.

    I’m from Norway so we don’t have corn syrup. But we have 2 things. Sugar syrup (dark and light) and glucose. The syrup is cheaper and that one is a little bit more liquid than glucose. Can I use that one? And what if I want to cover a cake so it looks like a closed bag. Dose the modelling chocolate stay stiff so it stands up? I heard I can use chocolate and butter. Do you have ideas for me??? Thank you. Really nice page you have 🙂 -I saved on my favourits 🙂


    • Hi Siri,
      I can promise you that the glucose will work. As for the ‘light syrup,’ I’m not sure. I’ve heard that it is thinner in consistency than corn syrup but is a lot like the U.K.’s golden syrup, which may be used to make modeling chocolate. So maybe it would work. However if it is the type of invert sugar that crystallizes easily, then I don’t recommend it. If you do try it out, please let me know how it goes for you.

      Yes, modeling chocolate can stand up on it’s own as long as it is not too soft/warm when applied to the sides of the cake. It has very good staying power as long as it is not exposed to high heat or direct sunlight.

      I don’t recommend chocolate + butter for your purposes. If it is a squarish bag, then modeling chocolate alone should work well. If it is a rounder bag with a lot of contour, then I’d recommend mixing up to 50% fondant into the modeling chocolate to achieve some elasticity.

      Good luck with your purse cake project and I will be checking your blog to see how it comes out! Cheers.

  125. I just stumbled upon your site while looking for a chocolate modeling recipe and i almost feel like i won the lotery! your directions are clear and i loved the photos. I usually work with gumpaste for my cake florals and wanted to try something tasty. I look forward to your book and will continue to follow your site.

      • I’d love it if you could share your molding chocolate with me 🙂 mother of 5 would like to start making my boys cakes and the family is not a fan of fondant but yet I’d like to make a nice cake for them. I ha bought the wilton candy but I’ve just been seeing bad reports of it so I went out and found ghirardelli white chocolate. Hope you can help 🙂 thanks

  126. Hi,

    I love your website. I never tried one but would love to try this coming weekend. I’m planning to make a super chocolatey cake with floral chocolate designs.

    Kindly please send me your molding/clay chocolate recipe? I heard white is harder to make, so i’m planning to make just the regular chocolate as a beginner like me. =)

    Thank you very much!

  127. Kristen,
    Will you be signing your books when they are released. I am definitely going to buy one and you signing it would just put icing on the cake!!

  128. I see that you use modeling chocolate on RKT. Have you ever used it to cover a sculpted cake? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Sandy, yes, absolutely. I use it on all cakes: wedding cakes, sculpted cakes, and standard cakes. It’s been a long time since I’ve needed to use fondant. Check out my cake galleries to see how many cakes are decorated in modeling chocolate as I list all the main decorative ingredients for each cake there.

      When I cover highly contoured cakes with modeling chocolate, I mix it with about 50% fondant to add some elasticity. An example of this can be found in my 3D pig cake tutorial.

      • Thank you so much Kristen. I am in the process of making my pokemon cake I am going to try covering him with the modeling chocolate. Wish me luck. Thanks again. Your cakes are fantastic!!

  129. Will your book be available in Kindle version anytime soon? I have several recipes for MC and I cant get it to hold it’s shape (even after days at room temp). I am going to try your recipe this week. Is the recipe you are sending via email different than what is listed at the top of the page? Thank you so much!!

    • Hi, Debbie. It’s the same recipe I’ve been sending out, just now it’s published on the site here. I don’t have a release date for the ebook yet but I will be sure to keep you posted.
      If your modeling chocolate is not holding it’s shape, there’s three things you should check:
      1. That your work environment remains cool and dry, ideally around 60-65 degrees F
      2. You may need to reduce the amount of corn syrup in your recipe. Chocolate is so different from brand to brand. Some brands of chocolate require less corn syrup.
      3. If you are using a fake kind of chocolate (like candy melts), try using a genuine kind instead. Real chocolate has cocoa butter, which lends strength to modeling chocolate.
      I hope this helps!

  130. I just filled out the request for the modeling choc. recipe, but I have some questions. My daughter wants me to make this for her to take to school for a project they are working on in History (using a cake to create a battlefield); so if i make it the night before and then put in a tupperware container will it be alright for the kiddos the next day? Also, we live at about 5000 ft, is there any adjustment for the altitude or very dry air? Also, any tips I can give them for molding, etc? Thanks, in advance! Andrea

    • Yes it will be good the next day! It will likely require some kneading before use. I don’t think there is any difference with altitude (isn’t that just with baking?). The dry air should help. Dry air is best! As for molding tips, my advice would be to not hold the stuff in hot hands for too long. If it gets soft or melty, set it aside and let it firm up before handling it again.

  131. I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful recipe, I would love to leave a picture of what you have helped me make; a 6″ tall, 8″ long motorbiker topper…. 5″ figures sitting on a sofa…. they would have been near impossible in any other medium and would have tasted awful!! I can’t thank you enough!


    • It’s not the stretchiest stuff. It doesn’t pull like fondant. It will break if torn. Then again, Nestle white chips make a very soft modeling chocolate. It would help to go with half genuine white chocolate as real cocoa butter helps lend modeling chocolate much strength. Check your email. I am about to send a copy of the recipe.

  133. hello kristen,i already suscribed to your blog,but i would love to get the modeling choc recipe,please.
    the place where i live is really hot and humid,and i don t have any air con’.i already tried different recipes but i was disappointed;
    do you think i should give up because of the tropical weather?
    even if i model figurines a week before and keep them in fridge,i m afraid to see them melt the day i put them on the cake;
    could you please give me your opinion about that?
    thks for sharing and congratulations for your pieces of art!!
    all the best
    vahiné island

    • Hi Vahiné, I just sent you a copy of the recipe. In terms of your climate, you could survive if you had an AC unit but without temperature control, the modeling chocolate will be very soft and uncooperative. I would stick with fondant in your particular case until you can drum up a way to cool down your work space. Good luck.

  134. Found your page a few days ago and loved it!!! So first of all Congratulations!! Second I will like to have a copy of your recipe of modeling chocolate to make ornaments to my daughter’s birthday cake please!!! Thank you in advance!!

  135. Hi Kristen. I’d love a copy of your modeling chocolate recipe please. Also keep me posted on when & how I can get your book. Cheers!

  136. i have made some modeling chocolate puppies but sometimes the chocolate is still very sticky is crisco the best way to keep my hands from sticking or cornstarch?

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