This whimsical rose style that is quite popular with fondant can also be executed using rolled modeling chocolate. The same fold-and-roll technique applies. It’s a simple approach.
This is a video excerpt from the book
Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate
Chapter 6 – Flowers & Leaves
Video: How to Make Easy Modeling Chocolate Roses by Wicked Goodies
Items Needed
• White modeling chocolate
• Rolled modeling chocolate equipment
• Scissors
1. Roll out white modeling chocolate to 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) thickness.
2. Cut a 5–10-inch long (13–26 cm) tapered strip, depending on the size of the flower desired.
3. Gently fold the strip in half the long way, taking care not to crease the folded edge.
4. Roll the strip into a spiral beginning with the narrower end. Hold the flower only by the bottom. Winch periodically while rolling to create contour and asymmetry.
5. Pinch the bottom and trim any excess with scissors.
6. Store flowers upright on parchment paper until ready to use.
When it comes time to place the flowers on the cake, secure them with a dab of buttercream frosting. Here is an example of modeling chocolate roses clustered on top of a topsy turvy cake with modeling chocolate lace garter belt wraps, modeling chocolate circus stripes and modeling chocolate skulls.
This flower looks like it is made of fabric. Clustered together on top of a cake, a bunch of modeling chocolate roses make a fun and easy cake topper. More instructions on how to make the below cake design are in the book, Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate.
Below is an example in which modeling chocolate roses in three tones serve as the topper for an optical illusion cake.
Sample the book
Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate
Scroll down for links to related tutorials.
I really enjoy ur website alot, everything is taught into details, wow it Soo amazing
Lindos trabalho pena que não em português so olho bom se escrita se e desse a receitas boa noite
Lovely cakes, thanks for sharing!!!
soooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!love it!
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooood
It look stunning
I love it.. This is so creative and the cakes looks beautiful! I’m sure it’s delicious as well!!