#1 Get Active on Pinterest
Pinterest is one of the most powerful social media platforms in the U.S. so if you have a visually-based business like a bakery, I highly recommend being on there. Pinterest is the place where shoppers go to gather information and ideas about party planning and weddings, so it’s the ideal place for a cake artist to generate business.
One of Pinterest’s most unique qualities is that you can catalog photos of your own work alongside photos of other bakers’ work to create a virtual Rolodex of ideas for yourself and your customers to peruse. To sample Pinterest, you can check out the Wicked Goodies Pinterest page here.
Note: When it comes to social media, make sure to pin and post at times of the day when users are most likely to be online: Saturday night is not a good time time post your newest cake photos. Save them for Sunday!
#2 Maintain Your Own Website
Web designers are not cheap and they tend to use custom code, which forces you to need to hire them back for every update, which can add up cost-wise. The truth is that there are some excellent template-based website platforms out there that are free. My site is powered by WordPress, which gives me plenty of control on the back end. Be warned that template-based platforms like WordPress and Blogger do not offer customer support (they are free, after all) but they do have user-generated discussion forums with lots of helpful info where you can find the answers to most questions.

#3 Seek Reviews
Ask for reviews from satisfied customers! Sometimes it’s as easy as asking. On the flip side, try not to get bent out of shape over negative reviews. If you do receive one, see #10.

#4 Cultivate Your Online Portfolio
Always take photos of your work, the good, the bad and the ugly, because you never know when you might need to reference that experience again. However, when it comes to the portfolio, only include your best work. Choose photos that demonstrate your range of skills: some square cakes, some round cakes, some stacked cakes, some wedding cakes, some 3D sculpted cakes, some with fondant, some with buttercream, etc. As it grows, prune your portfolio, get rid of the less attractive cakes and if you’ve done the same or similar cake twice, only chose to include the best one.
Check out my Sculpted Cake Photo Portfolio

Designate a photo station that has a clean, neutral background. Use good lighting and avoid the flash as it has a tendency to wash out details. Don’t take photos with the sink, washing machine, or balled up dirty paper towers in the background. Crop unnecessary blank space out of all cake photos. These small steps go a long way in terms of presentation.
Always watermark cake photos with before publishing them on the internet so that people can trace the work back to its origin. PicMonkey.com is a free photo editing site that allows you to position text on a photo just like a watermark. Also make sure that the photo’s metadata (file name and info) is descriptive and accurate with your business name included.
#5 Use Relevant Key Words
Make sure that you’re using correctly spelled key words on your website such as ‘cake’ and ‘bakery’ along with plenty of references to your town, city, state, and surrounding regions. Listing your location prominently is a critical step in ensuring that local search traffic can find your site. Puns or clever spellings like “kake” are not recommended. In the modern age of the internet, it’s important to use clear, proper language and relevant search terms.
Think about it like this: What are your potential customers typing into Google when they go looking for a product like yours in your area? Those are the word combinations that you should be using the most on your website.
#6 Make a Call-to-Action Button
Encourage your customers to place an order by Including a ‘call to action’ button in the sidebar of your cake website that says HOW TO ORDER or ORDER A CAKE NOW.
Make sure the button is available on every page of your site. Feel free to grab any of these buttons above to use on your site if you’d like.
If possible, route your call-to-action button to an inquiry form on your site that asks everything you need to know up front in order to quote a price:
- Customer name
- Phone #
- Email address
- Date of the event
- Nature of the event (wedding, birthday, etc.)
- Party theme, if any
- Approximate number of servings needed
The more streamlined the quote process is, the more time you’ll have left to work on your cakes.

#7 Implement SEO
The world wide web is an enormous database where being found by your target market is a matter of how much work you put into SEO (search engine optimization), which is basically the act of embedding descriptive data on your site to help search engines find and index your material. It also involves networking with similar websites in order to create link backs (if you are interested in linking your business with mine, go here).

Google is the most-used search engine so it’s very important to be plugged into it if you have a business. List your business on Google, get Google Analytics so that you can track your traffic flow, and follow Google’s SEO Guide. Second to Google, at least here in the U.S., is Yahoo, which is often used for local business searches, so make sure to get listed there too. Climbing search engine rankings takes time and effort but will happen if you implement SEO.
#8 Give Something Away for Free
Make sure you’ve covered it somehow in your costs of course…but offering something for FREE in capital letters is a great way to attract customers. Why? Because people love free stuff! For new bakeries that are trying to sell wedding cakes, throwing in ‘free delivery’ is a great way to clinch a sale. Again, just make sure it’s covered in the costs.
#9 Maintain a Blog
A blog is a lot of work but it’s a great way to drive people to your website, keep content fresh, and engage visitors. Pink Cake Box maintains a wonderful blog that shows photos of recent cakes along with the stories behind the orders, a good example of how a busy bakery can maintain a blog by writing about what they’ve been working on every week.

#10 Filter Emotions

When selling cakes to the general public, you encounter all kinds of stresses. Other bakers will copy your work, Bridezillas will drive you nuts, and there’s always at least one creep out there who’s scamming for a refund by planting a hair or a thumbtack in the food. Such is the nature of the food business…of business in general. So it’s work, after all. Nobody said it would always be fun or easy. Venting publicly on social media is not a productive solution.
A better solution is to focus on doing something positive for your business! Like this: Join the Bakery Linkathon!
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That’s really nice post. I appreciate your skills. Thanks for sharing.
Thankyou for sharing this information, i appreciate it very much
Very interesting…
Thank you for this information it is great learning about cake bakery business. I ordered a cake from cakes N cakes after reading your blog.
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nice write up cheers for posting. – Rob
Thanks for this write up.
I was planning to create an online pastry shop. I am well aware of the importance of giving a digital identity to my offline store.
You article has helped me in knowing the basic requirements an online shop should have. How I could use my Facebook in creating brand awareness and a blog session in driving traffic to my store.
Great read, Thank you.
I liked that you talked about how it would be best to maintain a great online portfolio. That is good to know because when I want to get a cake made I want to see what the baker has done in the past. It does seem like a good idea to use your website shows off your skills.
Wow, completely.. thanks Peter
Thank you so so much. I’ve been baking out of my home and want to move onto a store front. Very useful information
Great articles.Good reading for new buisness owners
Really appreciated. I was just searching for some promotional ways for an ecommerce website i.e. http://click2cake.com/ and found this blog. I will follow the mentioned ways for sure.
Thanks so much for sharing these helpful tips. I’ve just started my small online business after being away from the corporate world and your tips are just exactly what I need.
wonderful tips.. you have just inspired me to keep writing on my blog… thank you so much..
This is really useful information. I’ve just been reading the ‘Baking it’ blog too. There’s some useful information there for any start up. I’ve just been learning about protecting my business with the correct terms.
Excellent! You’re insights have been very helpful!
I am just starting a cake business and you have provided valuable advice. Thank you
Nice post… We are doing almost everything you mentioned.. Still it is struggle to satisfy all the customers…. Due to last minute needs/changes
Thank you so much for this invaluable information. I am very early into creating cakes but I’d love to make this into a successful business. Your help is gratefully appreciated xx
Thank you this is very important information sharing by you.
I am so glad that I found this information and thank you for sharing. This helped greatly with my 2015 goal to expand my business.
Thank you so much for sharing these insights . . . you have inspired me to take the plunge in establishing a website and blog for my cakes!
That’s awesome to hear! I checked out your website and blog and it looks GREAT! Your work is clean and professional and your blog has high quality content. You are too funny with your Biscoff obsession! Let me know if you ever want to do some cross-blogging marketing. I’m very pleased to connect with you. – Kristen
Thank you, Kristen! That really means a lot. Your work is very inspiring!
just started baking from kenya,quit fun,would anyone please invite me we work together..thanx
I live in Kenya and I have a bakery I would like to talk to you and see how we could help each other,thank you
Thanks for this useful post. Actually, the principles behind building any e-commerce websites are the same, and even if your target market are males or females, keeping a clean-looking website is an absolute must. But yeah, there’s no denying women checks out all those minute details.
Thanks great tips on website building specially for beginners.
Your post so much helpful for me because i have wholesale bakery, so i want marketing for this.
Very helpful information…
Thanks so much; really insightful!
A very good one!
“Don’t Whine Online. When selling cakes to the general public, you encounter all kinds of stresses….” Exactly, I mean people copy only the successful one, if you are get copied that means you are on the right track and beside that all small businesses, majority of them are imitative than innovative, so you have to compromise on that, its part of the small business package.
What you can do though is send a strong email message, with some law phrases and hope that competitors would pay heed, but again like I said part of the small business.
Over all, thumbs up!! one awesome post for cake makers!!! thanks
Thank u so much for this. it really did a lot of good to me. it helped me with my assignment. thank u once again.
Great post as usual – I love this blog!!
Thank you for sharing all of this wonderful information! It has come to me at the most appropriate time! I am working diligently on learning and implementing all that I can about internet marketing and selling online. LOL, I thought I was pretty computer savvy until I started delving into this and realized how far behind the power curve I am. It’s going to take a bit, but I will get it together. This has been sooooo helpful, a number of my sources are not decorating and cake oriented, so this helps to begin putting the puzzle together. Thanks Again! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!
I also take the do it yourself attitude. I do not have the funds, nor do I want to let someone else take the lead in my website…hmmm a little ocd there, LOL!
Very good information for everyone. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much!!! This helps me so much in my endeavors of being found online.
You are a gem to share your knowledge!
Great tips for everyone, thank you!
thank u so much for taking your time to share your experience and knowledge. I appreciate it very much x