Items Needed
- Filled cupcakes, unfrosted
- Yellow and violet modeling chocolate or fondant
- Rolled modeling chocolate equipment
- Googly chocolate eyeballs
- Round cutter, 1 cm in diameter
- Chocolate buttercream
- Piping bag, disposable with coupler
- #352 (Wilton) leaf tip
Google Chocolate Eyeballs Instructions
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Create the lion faces by cutting 1¾” (44 mm) wide circles of yellow modeling chocolate.
2. Cut smaller circles from the yellow using a 1 cm round cutter. Slice them in half to create ears.

3. Create the noses by cutting first squares then triangles of pink modeling chocolate. Place them in the center of the faces.
4. Form the impression of a mouth by pressing the back of a knife into the modeling chocolate. Form an upside down V shape just under the nose.

5. Create the lion’s mane by piping chocolate buttercream out of a #352 leaf tip in a radiating pattern around the top of the cupcakes.

I used this recipe for
Smooth Buttercream Cake Frosting
Zoo Animal Tutorial Index
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