Q is for I’m not gonna quit until the whole alphabet is done! Learn more about the A-Z April Blogging Challenge here. All beginning with the letter Q, I give you photos of my culinary career creations.
Quilted Gingerbread House
This gingerbread house is decorated with quilted (a.k.a harlequin) royal icing pattern. See how it’s made here: Quilted Gingerbread House. The figurines are made of modeling chocolate. Watch the Modeling Chocolate Figurines Video Tutorial.
Quack! Cupcakes
These duck cupcakes are decorated with modeling chocolate and buttercream frosting. Read the tutorial here: How to Make Baby Duck Cupcakes.
Quote in Modeling Chocolate
You may recognize this character from a classic 80’s movie. His face and the word bubble are made of modeling chocolate. Instructions on how this word inlay technique are in the book, Cake Decorating with Modeling Chocolate.
Queen of Hearts in Gumpaste
The Queen of Hearts in my Alice in Wonderland Gingerbread Castle is made of gumpaste and piped royal icing.
Quilted Button Cake
This was my very first time working with fondant. Painted with a quilt design and decorated with edible buttons, this “Cute as a Button” baby shower cake was also served with button cookies decorated with royal icing.
Quenelles de Brochet Mousselines
One of the techniques I was required to master in culinary school was poaching quenelles. These particular quenelles are made with an airy sole fish mousse drizzled with sauce aux crevettes (shrimp sauce), served on baby spinach with steamed asparagus and shrimp on red wine aspic.

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Q is for quilted cake Gucci Style.
All not good for me I’m told. What a shame as they look so good.
Q for Quack, says the ducky made from modelling chocolate on this crush cake 😉
Q for the lovely Quilted effect.