I is for inlay. In both of the examples shown below, an inlay effect is used to decorate a dessert. Learn more about the A-Z April Blogging Challenge here.
Impressionist Cake
This is the story of how I went to France, became an impressionistic cake artist, was disatisfied with my work, and nearly cut my ear off.
No wait…this is the story of how I made a portrait cake by extruding bold colors of modeling chocolate, inlaying them into a plaque, and lighting the face on fire.
Inlay Effect in Royal Icing
Above, I’ve executed a different style of inlay effect using royal icing on the roof of a gingerbread house in the Winter Gingerbread Village.

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I love your impressionist cake, fantastic!!
I is for Ice cream cone cake!!! I’m so loving this exercise. I didn’t get a chance to read the books yet but can’t wait!!
I is for iced cookies
I is for the Incredibles My son loves the Incredibles so my daughter surprised him and baked him this cake
I is for an icing glaze on my cranberry and orange scones.
I is for irridescent, like the effect of pearl airbrush over vibrant buttercream.