Layer Cake Filling Recipes

I have gotten so many questions about my cake filling recipes that I finally decided to share the formulas here on this website! This article presents a streamlined menu that includes 10 cake filling variations based on two buttercream frosting recipes.

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>> Layer Cake Filling Recipes <<

Layer Cake Fillings Recipes

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>> Layer Cake Filling Recipes <<

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Get the Base Recipes
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Layer Cake Filling Recipes — 5 Comments

  1. Please please, all fillings and frostings seems awesome but where’s the cakes recipe ?
    I urgently need a chocolate cake recipe that I will fill with kinder Bueno frosting and your vanilla frosting.
    Please let me know where to find that cake recipe.
    Many thanks

  2. Hello! I love your site and only wish we were closer to you so we could get you to make cakes for us! A little bit of advice sought. I have been commissioned by my daughter to make a rainbow tiramisu cake for her birthday party. For 65 people. Thrilled that she didn’t want a princess cake, I have accepted the assignment and am planning to make a 12 inch cake and a 9 inch (one chocolate, one vanilla as requested.) But, the filling has me a little stumped. Do you make custard cakes using your freezing method? Or would you recommend a different type of filling? How much filling would you make for the 12″ cake? The plan is to have the filling with the rainbow colors since we have to use natural colors and baking them dulls them down. Love your thoughts!