This giveaway is now closed. The winner will be announced on October 29th.
It’s time for another reader appreciate giveaway from Wicked Goodies!
Who Qualifies
- Anyone in the world who owns my book. Thanks for buying my book! You rock!
What you Can Win
A brand new 6 piece set of Fat Daddio’s hemisphere pans for 3D cake baking. If you like cake sculpting, this set will help “round out” your cake pan collection and also reduce your carving waste. I use these pans for baking and filling cakes that look like heads and bodies, sports balls, planets, anything round or half-sphere shaped. The largest pan in this set is 8″ wide and 4″ deep.
In my book, I use my own set of Fat Daddio’s hemisphere pans to make the following two cakes:
Booty Cake with Camo Boy Shorts
Pig Cake
I’ve also used hemisphere pans to make these cakes:
and the top tier on this cake:
Follow this link to learn exactly
How I use hemisphere pans to make shaped cakes
1. Take a photo of yourself with your copy of my book.

Hello from Kristen in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., creator of Wicked Goodies and author of this book.
2. Include a caption with your first name and where you are from.
3. Post it to my facebook page*
* If you don’t use facebook, you can post your photo in the comment field below or email your photo to me at the following email address: [email protected]
Bonus Options
- If you make a goofy face or do something wicked or creative in your photo, it will be given special consideration.
- If you have a cake business of any kind (retail bakery, home bakery, cake supply, etc.) and include your web address in your caption, I will gladly link to it here on this site. For example:
“Got your book the first week it came out and love it!!!! Greetings from Athens, Greece… where the heat somewhat dictates when I can use modelling chocolate and when I must use fondant… but loving your designs and happy to have an easy to follow Parthenon design for when that comes up!! FB page: Vanilla Crumbs”
Kathy from Chesapeake, Virginia, U.S.A.
“Hello from Teresa in Colorado Springs, U.S.A., Owner and operator of Teresa’s Oatmeal Overboard (Link to facebook page).”
Deadline to enter is October 24th
Let’s get wicked!!!
I did two photos (one on FB) and wasnt sure which one would work!!! 🙂 I am excited about me eBook! Thank you for all the great tips and recipes! Awesome work you do!
Hiya! I absolutely love the book! Honestly, being from Texas, I’m afraid of using any sort of chocolate on my cakes after an oil rig cake meltdown one summer, but your book is giving me hope, lol! Thanks for sharing your secrets! 😀 (
Here I am with a bear made out of modeling chocolate and your book, Love it!
Got your book!!! Love the colors & I especially love the “paper flowers”! So cool there is a book on modelling chocolate for cake decorating! I have a “cottage food biz” in South FL
Just Love working with modeling chocolate and Kristen Coniaris’ book details many project for the reader and cake decorator. My name is Lorraine Castle and I am from Valhalla, NY and I learned many new techniques Thanks.
Just Love working with modeling chocolate and Kristen Coniaris’ book details many project for the reader and cake decorator. My name is Lorraine Castle and I am from Valhalla, NY my email is [email protected]. I learned many new techniques from this book pictured below. Thanks!
Hello from Teresa in Colorado Springs, U.S.A., Owner and operator of “Teresa’s Oatmeal Overboard”, or (FB