It has come to my attention that a great way to relieve stress and anxiety is to punch cake.
How this exercise in baker’s therapy came to pass was that recently, a fellow cake decorator friend of mine named Liz got so fed up while working with fondant that she punched her cake’s lights plum out. Below shows the damage and that little feller is her son, impersonating his mum.
Liz helped me realize what I should do with the extra cakes in my fridge (made for teaching demos) that had been sitting around: Build them into a wedding cake and beat them up.
Here is the cake that I built

Incidentally, this cake punching experiment was filmed on a 97°F day in Boston, MA, U.S.A., the kind of day that pastry chefs and wedding cake artists just dread.
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Blowing Up Cake
How cool was that! Think I need to blow off some steam and punch a cake or two
This is AWESOME! I karate chopped a cake once and it was one of the best moments of my life. Go for a karate chop for the next vid!! You won’t regret it.