Free Audio: Creative Business Affirmations

Bakery Business Audio Affirmations This business affirmations audio is geared toward anyone who is working or wants to be working in a creative field such as baking. It’s designed to help boost your creativity & self-confidence and remind you that your time is valuable. I recommend listening to it first thing in the morning for at least 30 days so the affirmations sink in.

If you would prefer to read along or create your own affirmations audio using your own voice (I highly recommend this), I’ve included the transcript in text format below.

*It is recommended that you listen with headphones*

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Audio Affirmations Transcript

Today, you are going to have a good day.

Your day today is full of potential.

You will choose to make today productive and fun.

You will face every challenge that you meet today with optimism and enthusiasm.

You are joyful.

You are confident.

You are loveable.

You are deserving.

You are worthy.

You are enough.

You are fun.

You are playful.

You are adventurous.

You are fearless.

You take risks.

You are flexible.

You are strong

You are inspiring.

You are self-motivated.

You are goal-oriented.

You are focused.

You are organized

You are unstoppable.

When you want something, you focus on why you want to do it and then you get it done.

Get it done now.

Do it now.
Good enough is more than enough for you.

Perfection is the enemy of completion.

Perfectionism is really just fear of failure in disguise.

You lean into your greatest fears. You lean in because it’s better to have failed at doing something than to never have tried at all.

Your work is always evolving.

Your work is always improving.

You are worthy of success.

You love and approve of yourself.

You are centered.

You are smart.

You accept yourself unconditionally.

You trust yourself.

You are selective about the family and friends with whom you share your greatest aspirations. You share the information only with supportive people.

You surround yourself with successful entrepreneurs.

You do work that you enjoy and find fulfilling.

You are creative.

You are innovative.

You are building a successful business.

You create value with your service.

You are savvy about business.

You attract wealth and abundance.

You trust in your own ability to provide for yourself.

You are a strong negotiator.

Your time is valuable.

Your time is worth money.

You charge what you’re worth.

You make no apologies for the cost of your services.

Not everyone can afford your services and that is okay.

Fielding inquiries and drawing up quotes that don’t lead to a successful sale is just part of doing business and that is okay.

Every interaction has something to teach you about your business and yourself.

Every interaction offers you a chance to improve.

When multiple customers get confused about the same thing, it’s probably a sign that you aren’t communicating as well as you should. Every breakdown in communication presents an opportunity to modify and improve your communication skills.

You seek to communicate with patience and clarity.

You seek solutions to make it easy on the customer.

When there’s an aspect of doing business that you don’t like, you see it as a challenge. You treat it as an opportunity to create clever shortcuts and strategies to make the situation easier and more manageable for everyone involved.

You handle sales and transactions with ease, grace, and confidence.

It’s okay for you to say no.

You are comfortable saying no.

You learn from the past.

You forgive yourself for things that happened in the past.

You accept responsibility for your own mistakes.

Each failure you have had in business has made you better at what you do.

You are a better person for having made mistakes.

When you make a mistake you learn from it.

You are grateful for the challenges you have faced.

You are open to feedback.

You are open to criticism.

You accept criticism with grace.

Your critics are your best customers because they teach you where you could stand to improve.

There’s always room for growth and improvement.

You move your business in the direction of growth and improvement.

You are approve of yourself.

You are deeply fulfilled with who you are.

You follow your dreams.

You make smart calculated plans for your future.

You have ambitious goals.

You focus on each next step you need to take to reach those goals.

Today, you will do at least one small thing to move you closer to your goals.

Get it done.

Do it now.

Make today great.

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Audio Affirmations for Your Creative Business