P is for Pre-Launch! Scroll down to sign up! Learn more about the A-Z April Blogging Challenge here. All beginning with the letter P, I give you photos of my culinary career creations.
Penguin Cake
This cake, topped with penguins, was one of my very first ever wedding cakes. It is frosted with Swiss meringue buttercream and a simple Swiss dot design. This wedding was a particular memorable one because the groom went down the isle on a unicycle.
Peppermint Patty Brownie Bar
I added this bar to the menu at a bakery in the Boston area. It’s made with fudgy chocolate brownie and crushed peppermint patty pieces.
Piano Cake
This was the wedding cake for a bride who is a professional pianist. It is decorated with modeling chocolate and piped chocolate. Read my Grand Piano Cake Tutorial here.
Paintball Gun Cake
This 3D sculpted paintball gun cake is frosted in smooth buttercream, wrapped with modeling chocolate and decorated with piped chocolate inscription including smashed gumballs to look like paintballs. The ammunition (more gumballs) is in a plastic container. It was for a boy who had a paintball birthday party.
Piping in Royal Icing
You can see the steps in how I created the royal icing over-piping on this intricate gingerbread house here: Over-Piped Gingerbread House
Parking Meter Cake
I made this cake for a company that manufactures parking meters. It is decorated with modeling chocolate and foiled chocolate coins.
Pizza & Breadsticks Cake
It’s a cake made to look like a pepperoni and mushroom pizza with breadsticks, decorated with modeling chocolate and white chocolate drizzle.
It’s a real deep pan pizza made with my easy homemade bread dough recipe.
Paté en Brioche
I made this fancy dish in culinary school: duck paté with dried fruit and nuts wrapped in brioche, served with espagnole sauce.
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P is for pink ombré
I see that you’ve had plenty exciting and unique decorating opportunities, I know you must have had a great deal of fun throughout your career!! I love when I get a unique idea from a client.
P is for Panda cake.
The p is for Pate Choux. My daughter helping make cream puffs for her brothers birthday.
P is for purple, pink and pump! This was the first shoe I ever made, before I ever saw a tutorial, too.