How to Freeze Cake

Have you ever heard the myth that “freezing cakes is bad?” It’s not true! The freezer is a great tool for cake making, especially when it comes to the engineering of tiered wedding cakes or sculpted cake designs. Here’s how professional bakers freeze cakes safely.

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How to Freeze Cake

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How to Freeze Cake — 3 Comments

  1. Hi my name is Nancy and I am finding all of your information very informative. Thank you very much. However, I am very new at cake decorating and I have a few questions and I would appreciate it very much if you can help me. I have an italian pastry cream recipe and I would like to know if I can use the method of putting the layers and the cream in the cake pan and place it in the freezer. Also, I know that you recommend 3″ deep cake pans but what if the recipe calls for a 10″ x 2″ cake. Is it ok to make the cake batter and just add it to the 3″ deep cake pans. I thought that using the wrong size cake pan would jeopardize the cake. Like I said I am very new at this and I am really trying to fully understand the correct way. Thank you so much! Nancy

    • Yes you can freeze pastry cream. As for the sponge part of the cake, an extra inch on the height of the pan is not going to alter your outcome in the oven. The same goes for width. When a recipe calls for a particular sized pan, it’s just a suggestion. You can bake a cake in any sized pan you desire, so long as the pan is large enough. The only thing that changes is the cake’s dimensions and baking time.

      • Thank u for your immediate response. Would u know why my italian sponge cake is tasting like a yellow cake?