Kristen Coniaris
I am a former pastry chef with 17 years of experience working in the food industry specializing in kitchen management, product development and custom cake art. I’ve constructed over one thousand wedding & sculpted cakes plus some giant award-winning gingerbread houses. My Professional Chef degree is from the CSCA. This content, including seven books about dessert craft & the business of baking, was published between the years 2009-2022. I have since removed the paywalls so readers can access all content for free. This is now a legacy site. To get started reading, go here.
Etymology of Wicked Goodies
In Massachusetts, the massholes say wicked a lot.
“The clam chowda is wicked hot.”
“The Pats are wicked pissah.”
“I’m wicked sick of shovelin’ snow.”
Based on the masshole dialect, the word means very, so Wicked Goodies, translated literally, means extra good desserts. According to alternative dialects, wicked also means naughty as a fornicake, gluttonous as Augustus Gloop, and fantastical as a giant gingerbread sandcastle.