Pat Ashley Howard

Adventures of a Gingerbread House Champion

Adventures of Gingerbread House Champion

Pat Ashley Howard

Preview of Pat Ashley Howard’s Award-Winning Portfolio

Pat Ashley Howard is a gingerbread artist whose original craftsmanship has dominated the edible architecture landscape since her first gingerbread house entry made in 2006.

Gingerbread House Champion

She is a highly decorated record-breaker of the Grove Park Inn’s National Gingerbread House Competition in Asheville, North Carolina, the most prestigious U.S. event of its kind. She is also the inventor of gingerclay.

Gingerclay Gingerbread House Sculpting Recipe

Pat Ashley Howard’s Portfolio

Adventures of a Gingerbread House Champion

Click on the photos below to see closeups, read about how Pat Ashley Howard created each design, and hear about the nature of competition in her own words. Learn how her techniques and strategies evolved over time by starting here: Chapter 1 The Birth of Inspiration

Woodland Winter Gingerbread HouseWoodland Winter Gingerbread Cabin

Gingerbread House BootGingerbread Boot House

Fabergé Egg Gingerbread HouseFaberge Egg Gingerbread House

Brick Gingerbread House

Red Brick Colonial Style Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Hobbit HouseGingerbread Hobbit House

Giant Gingerbread Cookie CabinGingerbread Cookie Wood Cabin

Gingerbread Candy Cottage
Gingerbread Candy Cottage

Spooky Gingerbread HouseSpooky Halloween Gingerbread House

Gingerbread Brick MansionBrick Mansion Gingerbread House

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